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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Effect Of America's Incarceration Rate

So many men have gone to jail in some DC neighborhoods, that there are only 6 men for every 10 women.
This startling fact and its repercussions are featured in an excellent article by John Tierney in the New York Times.

The star of the story is Charlene Hamilton, who divorced her husband at his request when he went to prison for dealing drugs. She was unable to remarry, however, due to the lack of eligible men.

“With so many men locked up, the ones left think they can do whatever they want,” Ms. Hamilton told the Times. “A man will have three mistresses, and they’ll each put up with it because there are no other men around.”


  1. So it's the prison system's fault? The criminal and recipients of the illegal profits are victims.
    Sociology gone wild!

  2. "Ms. Hamilton told the Times. “A man will have three mistresses, and they’ll each put up with it because there are no other men around.”

    Well then the women are morons and it's their own faults that they are stuck living in a neighborhood that's cesspool of crime and poverty where 6 out of 10 men are incarcerated.
    I'm sure Ms Hamilton's husband had a steady job with a decent income when she married him-LOL! She and other like her made their own beds-now wallow in them!

  3. I an a divorced 58 yo male who had no mistresses, raised all my kids after she took a section 8, and can't find a decent woman out there to be friends with because they think like you! Dumbass! There is usually a very good REASON that a mid 40\s-50's woman is divorced!
    Here is a perfect example!

  4. And who wants recycled women from the city who dated drug dealers and users. Good way to catch an STD or two!

  5. 259 beat me to it. Easy moral of the story here; don't marry or get knocked up by a dope boy!


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