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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Another Business Leaves Salisbury

So where are they relocating, Fruitland. Mayor Jim Ireton couldn't save a business here in Salisbury to save his life. They are fed up, tired of all the hoops they have to jump through and businesses are spending the money to pack up and move one town over, even taking the risk of losing business.

Wake up Salisbury. Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton destroyed business here in Salisbury and the ONLY thing Jim has left is going after Obama money to build 500 affordable housing units on the Downtown parking lots. 

You have to truly wonder, why would Jim Ireton want to get back into the Mayor's seat. I can tell you first hand, Jim Ireton told me he wanted to get those EDU's and these affordable housing units in line. If he had it lined up he wouldn't run again. If he didn't get them lined up he'd be running again. It's all about those housing units and Ireton admitted that to me face to face when I told him I would be running for Mayor. 

Sound familiar?


  1. Joe...just out of curiosity-do you know how many businesses Salisbury has lost vs. how many businesses Salisbury has gained during Ireton's tenure?

  2. Andy, while I'd love to research that information, I just don't have the time right now.

    Let's put it this way though. Just look around Salisbury. There are for sale and lease/rent signs everywhere.

    These past 16 years under the Ireton/Tilghman leadership businesses have been racing out of town like there's no tomorrow.

    We had Benedict, (sp?) Florist who employed quite a few people. They sold their building and it was replaced with a Pharmacy who got tax breaks, (something the Florist Shop didn't have) and they are employing less people and mostly part time people. It was a lose/lose for the City taxpayers. Corporate Welfare, if you will.

    Salisbury needs a new leader who understands these finances. Being a part time school teacher, (all due respect) doesn't cut it.

  3. The city shouldn't be offering drugs store tax breaks, it's not like there is a shortage. You can't throw a cat here in Salisbury with hitting a drug store. If it's something Salisbury is in need of, that's another story.

  4. anonymous 7:43, Heck, this City even gives tax breaks for Hotels that come to the area. The one across the street from the Mall is one of them. HUGE tax breaks and they too mainly provide part time jobs.

  5. Anyone know where University Tire will be located in Fruitland? They do great work and are reasonably priced.

  6. The tire company has lasted longer than I expected. They are in the developement area that Salis.University wants.The wwtp former mayor and the present mayor are prob. assisting them.

  7. Anonymous Andy Berges said...
    Joe...just out of curiosity-do you know how many businesses Salisbury has lost vs. how many businesses Salisbury has gained during Ireton's tenure?

    February 21, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    Many of the businesses that have left have been job producing, long established businesses. The ones the may have opened during the Tilghman/Ireton administration were small mom and pop type business that have gone under like the Escape Restaurant and the Fox and Olive and you can't even compare them to the ones that were established. Counting them would only be putting them in the category of leaving Salisbury making that number more dismal.

  8. I'm sorry Jim but seeing so much of this around Salisbury I just can't vote for you again.

  9. Salisbury University has been drooling over this property for years. Did they finally come up with a good offer?

    1. I heard they gave him a good offer plus the guy that owns it is just tired and ready to stop.

  10. Wicomico county benefits from hotels and the room tax, they trade one revenue for another. Just plain stupid.

  11. No democrats have a good track record with businesses going back to Glendenning.

  12. PASCO also packed up and moved to Fruitland.

  13. Send Jimbo's butt packing before he gets a chance to turn downtown into an official ghetto. (And eventually the whole town).

  14. I am a B2B salesman, when I go to my company meetings and here some of the success stories from other areas in Maryland I just shake my head and say WOW. Most of these stories are coming from areas the size of Salisbury or smaller but have alot of manufacturers, if you look at the industrial park off Nailer Mill RD you find empty buildings and service providing businesses such as The Roof Center, Cloverland Dairy, a couple of breead companies, where has the manufacturing gone and what has been done to keep what we have and invite more.

  15. Of the main arteries entering Salisbury,only the West 50 section between Sby and Hebron has not built up with businesses.Some are there,but nothing like the other 3.It makes no sense to me why an established buiness would move a mile or so away unless an offer was made,as an earlier commentor stated.They certainly appeared to have a good thing going.

  16. anonymous 8:36, they still may. We're being told the business may have recently been sold and the new buyers may continue to stay at this location. The original sign stated they were relocating to Fruitland. Let's hope the new owners remain where they are.

  17. Jake Day will change all that, er I digress, he's partering with Ireton, nothing will change if Ireton and Day are re-elected and elected.

  18. Anyone know who will own the 500 affordable housing units that Ireton is pushing?

  19. Speaking of B2B, Joe you going to be at WMDT tonight for the chamber after hours?

    I haven't been to many chamber events lately due to it is just depressing seeing the same people over and over again, hoping you can liven the party up.

  20. Joe,

    I have seen that sign up for close to 6 months my understanding is that university tire made a deal and are staying there but who knows for how long? because they where close to re-locating anyway and i am SURE it probably would be fruitland, look at PASCO and other numerous businesses they are FED-UP with Salisbury this MAYOR has one agenda and it is ANTI Business and pro welfare its a shame because Salisbury use to be a beautiful and prosperous place NOT ANYMORE.

  21. yeah lets spruce up the area with 500 welfare units yeah that's the ticket.lol

  22. Did Ireton get an education grant for college? I know he got a housing grant, all that public assistance so he can own two homes? Looks like he knows how to work the system, while the rest of us work our butts off to own one home because of people like him.

  23. These signs are ALL over the place LOOK around mayor or are you just stuck in a rehoboth mind set? Joe hurry the hell up and take over from this PT idiot Mayor.

  24. Yeah and it can be called "Ireton Homes." Baltimore city had Murphy Homes, Perkins Homes, Gilmore Homes all named after "influetial" people.

  25. Joe whatever happened to the cigar place from Berlin that was going to open? I heard it was city red tape. It that true?

  26. This town needs a Enema.

  27. Hard to believe that the last vestiges of owner occupied residential neighborhoods will be destroyed by Ireton with his 500 units of Section 8 . Surprised that the homeowners are not enraged-and can guess which SAPOA members are going to make yet more money from the taxpayer. Re-election of Ireton and election of Day will be the death knell for Salisbury.

  28. I dont want to disclose the owner or business name that I recently had conservation with . He indicated he also will be moving by the end of the year. He also is in the South Salisbury Blvd. area

  29. Joe do you have any strategy to counter voter fraud in the upcoming election? Remember how some SAPOA landlords coerced their student tenants to vote for Comegys? There needs to be some election watchers posted--the years I voted in Salisbury no one EVER asked for an ID--lots of opportunity for voter fraud in the city.

  30. I went to the Wicomico Civic Center for the National elections, I had my ID in my hand and was told that I didn't need it.

  31. Thanks mayor you have run down this town i cant wait until you get robbed by one of you thug non voters.

  32. Is the mayor going to take credit for the 4 new restaurants opening, i bet he does, what a P.O.S. don't forget mayor how you PROMISED a lot of business owners things and you NEVER followed through?

  33. Anonymous said...
    Anyone know who will own the 500 affordable housing units that Ireton is pushing?

    February 21, 2013 at 9:00 AM

    The Slum Lords he is now in bed with with SAPOA. Michael Weisner is a big contributor to Laura Mitchell's and Ireton's campaign so I am pretty confident he is writing numerous checks to Jake Day.

  34. I am confused - how did Jim single handily cause this? Have all the rules and regulations been changed since he was elected, causing a stampede of businesses to high tail it to other areas?

    'splain how our mayor was able to do this all by his self and how the new mayor will be able to turn things around, so business will high tail it back into their old stomping grounds.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Yeah and it can be called "Ireton Homes." Baltimore city had Murphy Homes, Perkins Homes, Gilmore Homes all named after "influetial" people.

    February 21, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    The big difference is Ireton isn't an "influential" (not sp.) person. Now he may be very competitive in the sport of Drop the Soap in the at the Rehoboth Bathhouses.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Send Jimbo's butt packing before he gets a chance to turn downtown into an official ghetto. (And eventually the whole town).

    February 21, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    He already gets that done every weekend when he visits Ryan Hughes in Pennsylvania!

  37. 1212 1/ he delays permits to expand.

  38. 12:12-In case you are unaware, Jim Ireton is a bullying guy who is not the business-minded or business-friendly type nor does he possess any business experience and only teaching experience.

  39. I saw one of Jake Day's yard signs in the yard of one of Barrie Tilghman's sycophants at the corner of Church Street and Truitt Street.


  41. If there is nothing in it for Ireton and his contributors, he drags his feet on expansion projects. If it benefits him and the special interests of Salisbury, he wants to rush it through without the council's approval.

    When he wanted to raise taxes, it was Debbie Campbell that questioned the city's surplus. If it wasn't for Debbie Campbell he'd have got his cake and ate it too, and the city would still have the surplus along with higher taxes for everyone.

    It was Terry Cohen that came up with better ideas to remediate the unground fuel tanks left behind by Linen's of the Week. It should have been Linen's of the Week's responcibility to take care of that, but donating it to the city was a cheap out for them and leave the city with the expense.

    It was also Terry Cohen that nixed Ireton's plan to use taxpayer money to have the old Travel Thrift Inn torn down, she made sure that the bank that owns that property footed the bill.

    If not for Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies this city would be in much worse condition.

    The only people that will support Ireton, and try to get Debbie Campbell's seat given to another Ireton rubber stamp, have more money than they have brains. They like those insider deals that Mike Dunn bragged about, making him a millionare while sitting on the council.

    Jake Day is cut from the same cloth as Mike Dunn, what a nightmare.

  42. Day got another endorsement by architect Becker. The problem with all of these endorsements so far is that they are generically written void of any real accomplishments attributed to Day.
    It's like enough already we get it- Day supposedly has all this experience but it's quite apparent all these supposed "experts" on why Day should be elected haven't a clue what his experience has amounted to or given any specific examples of his accomplishments.
    It's starting to get quite amusing. Shall we guess who will be next to come out of the woodwork and endorse Day with another generic endorsement?
    I will not be impressed until I see the mayors/council members/business owners/residents of these phantom towns he helped turn around start endorsing him.

  43. One reason businesses are leaving is because the City officials seem to think that the only area that is worth saving the the downtown plaza disaster area.

  44. Anonymous said...
    I saw one of Jake Day's yard signs in the yard of one of Barrie Tilghman's sycophants at the corner of Church Street and Truitt Street.

    February 21, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    Would that be Bernie Greene?

  45. Anonymous said...
    12:12-In case you are unaware, Jim Ireton is a bullying guy who is not the business-minded or business-friendly type nor does he possess any business experience and only teaching experience.

    February 21, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    12:12 is Ireton himself or Cookie, Chuck Cook.

  46. Anonymous said...
    I am confused - how did Jim single handily cause this? Have all the rules and regulations been changed since he was elected, causing a stampede of businesses to high tail it to other areas?

    'splain how our mayor was able to do this all by his self and how the new mayor will be able to turn things around, so business will high tail it back into their old stomping grounds.

    February 21, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    Chuck don't you have anything better to do than monitor this blog every hour of the day? That's right you are a State employee given a made up job because you helped O'Malley and Obama's campaign.

  47. A Nancy Rowe wrote about Day in a letter to the DT's today-

    "Day has spent his career revitalizing downtowns and making them more vibrant, livable places. As an urban planner working with Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, he knows what successful cities need and how to make that happen."

    I bet if you asked old Nan exactly what towns and what exactly was Day's contribution to making them successful she would look at you like you had 2 heads. It's quite obvious from her letter that she knows absolutely nothing about Day.

  48. The Delaware side of Delmar is doing great. It's a short drive from Salisbury and no 9% tax on beer, and no 6% tax on anything else.

  49. Has anyone ever been to a Council Meeting in Fruitland? Salisbury should take notes....night and day. It is clearly obvious that Fruitland wants to be inviting to residents and business. They also do not bicker and make a circus out of everything. If I were to make a guess, I would say that you will see many businesses relocate to Fruitland.

  50. do a little research and you will find fruitland is no better. it was walmart that got the big tax breaks, not any small businesses. another example - remember when fruitland also tried proposing a "tax"/fee for any business signs visible along route 13. how can you operate a business without a sign identifying who/where you are?? so yeah, that sounds real business friendly (insert sarcasm here).

    1. If you recall....that ordinance was repealed by a new council with a new vision. Fact.

    2. Why don't you do some research. Walmart didn't get any big tax break. The only break they got was that during construction, they were allowed to pay the same property taxes that was in place when they purchased it. THAT is an example of working with a business to help make it viable. How much revenue do you think that Wal-Mart has brought to the City of Fruitland. If that small deal made Wal-Mart happen...I would say that was a win for Fruitland.

    3. Small business also just received a break on their water and sewer...they pay a residential base rate, rather than what used to be a commercial base rate. Homework?

  51. Didn't Barrie T make a fortune off of that Wlamrt land?

    1. I have no idea but so what if she did...it was a private sale. It has nothing to do with government. It was a prime location and I am sure that Walmart has made it's money back. At that time, she probably got half of what it would have been worth 5 years later.

  52. I can tell you how many documented businesses have left our tri-county area. As of our last offical count - there are 88 business closures. Many of these were located in the City of Salisbury and include such notables as Dresser Industries, Grumman Corp., Shawnee Homes, Heinemann Electric, Campbell Soup, Ford Laboratories, Purity Bacon and so on.

    SBYnews has been compiling this list for the past decade and it truly is astonishing when one visually sees them.

    We will try and follow-up very soon and republish this information.

  53. Fruitland also has one hell of a water/sewer bill which will be going up again soon.

    1. Wrong...it will not be going up again soon. Where do you get your information? The Enquirer? Salisbury's will be going up to pay for the new WWTP.

  54. The big businesses you mention. closed or left for reasons far beyond the local climate

  55. For the life of me I can't understand how 500 affordable housing units is going to help Salisbury. Is there any efforts to bring 500 jobs to Salisbury? If for one second someone would put the effort in employing people the complaints about crime and such would be greatly reduced. Whoever gets elected in office needs to put forth real effort in bringing sustainable jobs to the area. It would do so much to improve Salisbury. Every time I come home it saddens me at the growing number of just trashy, ignorant and rude people. Shopping centers look bad, homeless people are damn near aggressive and I find myself just avoiding whole sections of town. I truly hope when new leadership comes in the town gets jobs first. You can revitalize a area all you want, if folks are unemployed you won't attract a soul. No one with money wants to be worried about the people without money who may be lurking or bringing down the quality of a area.

  56. Well if Beezer's count of 88 business closures is accurate, that would = a substantial amount of lost jobs which would = a lot less people supporting existing businesses, which will = many more business closures in the future unless favorable changes for area businesses are not made SOON in order for them to be successful and survive.

  57. 7:12, Not trying to be argumentative, however, my understanding is that the only "break" that Fruitland gave Wal-Mart was that they were allowed to pay the current tax rate at the time on the property while construction was taking place, until it opened. I would consider that "business friendly". Secondly, the "sign ordinance" was repealed immediately by the newly elected Council; although to be fair, I do not believe that the Council that passed the ordinance interpreted it the way that the Code Enforcement Officer did that established the fees. 9:14, there are no plans to raise water/sewer fees. In fact...the water and sewer rate was recently restructured in such a way that it actually gave a break to small business by making the base rate the same as the residential rate. The restructuring also made it consumption based which helped the elderly and small family homes. The "front foot assessment" was also done away with and a flat reserve fee implemented. People that owned property with longer footage along the road shouldn't pay more for water, considering that infrastructure had been paid for already. After the rate structure was redefined, Fruitland took a second look at the top consumers and instituted a tier system that would not adversely impact the highest consumers. I can tell you that Fruitland is a progressive City and is willing to work with and encourage business and residential development. An example would be manufacturing exemptions and personal property exemptions for businesses. In regards to the water/sewer bill, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. MDE has its requirements that we must follow. It takes X amount of money to provide water and sewer among X amount of users. If we can make Fruitland attractive in other ways, and increase the number of users, that is what will make the water and sewer bill go down. We have a top notch WWTP and water. If you come to a Council meeting and have a question or suggestion, you can sit down face to face with the Council and discuss it. It is about transparency and about the citizens. That is what the Council is for, to represent the citizens. I only wish that we had more people that would take time to involve themselves in the process and let us know what they want. Many meetings consist of the same 4 or 5 people, not that we don't appreciate them, but if you don't show up and let us know what you want, or at least email us, you can't really complain. I decided to run for Council because I am a taxpayer and had a different view on what was currently being done. Fortunately, there were other people that shared the same ideas so we were able to agree on most issues and progress was made. The only disappointment thus far is the lack of input by the community, yet you can open up the newspaper or go online any given day and find criticism of local government. Where are all of these people when the decisions are being made? I believe that anyone that chooses to run for a local elected office does so because they care about their community, not for a personal gain. If you have ideas, or wishes on how you want your tax dollars spent, let the people that you elected know.

    R. Lee Outen, City of Fruitland Council President.

  58. Low income housing and 95% Rental Properties in Salisbury equate to enormous crime rates. The crime rates are actually higher than being reported. Most businesses don't want to report the crime because it causes their insurance rates to go up. Most residents don't report crimes because they don't want to get involved and many of the crimes involve assaults and theft of drugs, etc.

  59. The fact is Walmart continues getting what can be construed as 'tax breaks' in the form of their tax payer supplemented employees. Alot of the entitlements they receive are paid for with not only state but county funds which utlimately results in less money for towns. Alot of the employees pay no income tax so aren't contributing to alot of the resourses they use like schools, etc.
    The jobs created by Walmart pay so little that employees can't afford to buy homes which lowers home values across the board for all.
    There are many more hidden 'tax breaks' Walmart receives on a regular basis.

  60. Thank you Council President Outen for your input and also for reminding people to get involved in the government process.
    I wish more representatives would take to the blogesphere to not only correct misinformation but to also offer their opinions and to get opinions. Too many time they dismiss blogs as nonsense when in reality they are influential and are around to stay.


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