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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Young Women Want AR-15s

Sorry, President Obama. As young women, we prefer an AR-15 “assault” rifle with a 30-round magazine for self-defense.

In fact, we wouldn’t want to be stuck at home without one. In the wake of mass murders like Sandy Hook and the horrific rapes and murders of thousands of women each year, pepper spray, mace, or five-round handheld pistols aren’t going to cut it.

So what’s a girl to do? When choosing our tool for home defense, we want the best — in accuracy, handling, and aesthetics. The best choice by all three criteria is — hands down — the AR-15.



  1. Stock up now, Obama has been ordering Millions of Coffins to be placed in each FEMA camp...

    Obama expects us to try to preserve our freedoms, and wants to bury us.

  2. how much does a AR-15 cost?

  3. 3 times what they coast 4 months ago. About $1800 the thing is you can't get ammo or mags.

  4. You can buy an 80% lower and finish milling it yourself for about 750. No numbers, no registration and 100% legal as long as it's for yourself and you don't transfer it to anyone else.

    Or if you happen to own a 3D printer, you can print one out and no one but you will know you have one. Negates the whole registration thing.

    And they are talking about mass non-compliance in NY regarding registering their weapons.

    If the government doesn't back down, there is going to be violence and bloodshed. I promise you.

  5. They are fun to shoot but as far as self defense goes, a remington 870 with extended magazine and tactical stock is a better choice for self/home defense. Just the sound of the action being cycled will send most intruders running for the hills.

  6. PMS and an AR-15?-Katie bar the door.I'm hiding.

  7. I for one am totally exasperated with the politians in this country who live in their bubbles with no clue what they are talking about when it comes to firearms.What possible difference does it make what type or model or style of weapon a citizen has in their home for self-protection/defense.I'm not talking machineguns thats an entirely different animal.Trying to have a conversation about what the best weapon is for self-defense is like trying to explain what the best caliber is for shooting deer.For those uninformed by the way a 223 caliber which most AR's are chambered in is legal in Maryland for Hunting Deer as it produces 1265 ft pounds of energy the law requires 1200 ft pounds of energy.Not my choice for home defense but if another homeowner uses one then fine with me.Its all up to what the individual wants to use,is trained to use, and is comfortable with,gun control is exactly what the word implies GUN CONTROL if your going to control anything control the criminals who use them with mandantory sentences that in an of itself is a deterrant to crime. Has anyone stopped to think the New York law just enacted regarding 7 rounds max per magazine is so assanine it defies belief,Police Officers an Homeowners own handguns their gun are loaded with 7 rounds against an armed criminal who most likely has a semi-auto handgun that holds 15 rounds now I am sure the criminals will blindly follow that stupid law, so in effect the Police are outgunned as soon as they walk into an armed confrontation.
    Some people just hate guns and nothing you can say or do will change their minds but get behind those politians who propose laws that effect criminals and those bent on being a criminal.

  8. I just saw a friend in Wal-Mart a couple of hours ago and we were talking about the lack of ammo in their sporting section. She said she voted for obama and we need to do something about these assault weapons in America, especially in light of the murders at Sandy Hook. When I pointed out that the nutcase used PISTOLS, not rifles, she still went off on rifles. Brainwashed and totally uniformed, but would support obama even if he said fingernail clippers were dangerous and needed "control". And apparently TSA already thinks THAT, so what can we do? I mean OTHER than revolution?

  9. They want all the power they can get baby!

  10. 2:27 PM

    You don't have a clue.

  11. 5:20...I'm having SO much fun with you!! You actually have used the same line FIVE times!! No facts, no counter-arguments, no nothing. I think the only thing you know about "clue" is that the professor didn't do it. You are HILARIOUS! Gonna go for SIX??? That would also be a "half dozen", if you need a math clue, and I'm betting you do.....


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