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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Is It Rude To Take Photos Of Your Food In A Restaurant?

Since the earliest days of photo sharing, shutterbugs have been posting images of their restaurant meals online for all to see. That behavior has only become more common through the use of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and whatever other service was launched yesterday. Now some chefs say it’s gone too far.
“It’s reached epic proportions,” a spokesman for a number of New York City restaurants tells the NY Times. “Everybody wants to get their shot. They don’t care how it affects people around them.”


  1. I can't stand that, or people in bars/nightclubs doing the same.

  2. Food photos should be treated like porn and mass murders! Take all the pictures you want!

    Who the heck has brought this up as an issue?

  3. 711-...and I don't mean those taking discrete photos. By all means, go ahead. I'm talking about the morons who use cameras with the flash on.

  4. Who the heck has brought this up as an issue?

    January 26, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    The restaurants. I have done it from time to time to send to friends and family to show what we are eating. They can come join us or be jealous. lol

  5. It sounds like a compliment to the chef to me. He's back there making works of art in flavor and visual pleasure, hands it to a server who bitches when a customer is so pleased he takes a picture!
    Sounds about right...


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