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Monday, January 28, 2013

Trial Delayed For Pasadena Man Charged With Animal Cruelty

ANNAPOLIS - The trial for a Pasadena man charged with 134 counts of animal cruelty has been postponed.

Shane Taylor requested additional time to raise money and hire an attorney before he goes to trial in county District Court. The postponement was granted Jan. 18 by Judge Megan B. Johnson.

Authorities seized animals from Taylor's home on the 8000 block of Lockwood Road during a September raid. They said they found dozens of sick and injured animals, some without food and water, according to court documents. A dead cow was found under a tarp in the yard, parrots roamed the house, and an Alpaca was missing fur, according to court documents.


  1. It's not all about crazy cat ladies.

  2. Sick, sick people!! That's why those that can't speak---'Need us for their voice!

  3. He should put in jail and left to rot.

  4. Problem with this is he will get more time than a criminal that killed a person.


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