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Monday, January 28, 2013

Casey Anthony Files For Bankruptcy In Florida

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Casey Anthony filed for bankruptcy in Florida on Friday, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities.

Court records show that Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2011, sought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Tampa.

Her listed debts include $500,000 for attorney fees and costs for her criminal defense lawyer during the trial, Jose Baez; $145,660 for the Orange County Sheriff's office for a judgment covering investigative fees and costs related to the case; $68,540 for the Internal Revenue Service for taxes, interest and penalties; and $61,505 for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for court costs.



  1. Shame they don't still have debtors prisons.

  2. And throw in another 50 grand just for being smokin hot.

  3. The State of FL needs to give it up. They lost and have no one to blame but the overzealous prosecutors who wanted to show off and make a name for themselves so they overcharged Anthony. Then instead of leaving well enough alone when they lost, they couldn't and asked for the investigative costs they incurred which they never do for anyone else aquitted but just so happened to do in this well publicized case.

  4. Someone needs to punch her in her face every-time she is seen in public.

  5. 1:47-If you had been there all would have been handled differently.

  6. When Anthony was aquitted of all the more serious charges of murder the look on Nancy Grace's face was to die for. She looked like she had just eaten a hugh pile of manure.

  7. You expected another outcome?

  8. Anon January 28, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    She is attractive, but I can't stand to look at her because she MURDERED her innocent child!!

  9. That whore needs to get out of this country but hey you never know she could probably be a Florida politician, you know how politicians get away with things?

  10. Quite possibly she did murder her child but with no cause of death it was unprecedented for that other goofball Dr G to assign the manner of death as a homicide with no other corroborating evidence to back her up her theory. Any juror worth a hoot bases their verdict on facts not a theory. Theories are helpful in putting the story of the crime together but solid indisputable evidence alone is and should be the deciding factor-Period. There is no statute of limitations on murder. They very well could have charged her with a lessor charge of endangerment and then waited and quite possibly something tangible would have materialized such as Anthony herself talking to cell mates, etc which happens all the time.

  11. I remember watching and the prosecutors handled not only themselves but the case terribly. Example being the defense had put on an expert to testify that Anthony's behaviour was consistant with someone who had been sexually abused. When it was the state's turn to question the expert instead of leading the expert to offer up alternative reasons for Anthony's behaviour such as she could possibly behaved the way she did because she was a spoiled brat or was antisocial all they attempted to do was discredit and humilitate the expert.

  12. I'm not sure I understand how someone who was aquitted is repsonsible for the costs of their trial. Other than that, I have no sympathy for her plight. And her attorney's fees? I guess he earned them but he really should not have expected she's be able to pay.

  13. 757-Because she wasn't aquitted of all charges, she was found guilty of perjury.

  14. Anonymous said...
    That whore needs to get out of this country but hey you never know she could probably be a Florida politician, you know how politicians get away with things?

    January 28, 2013 at 4:55 PM

    That will never happen. She's not black.

  15. You might think a cause of death would have something to do with "Hey, here's the body". The child was dead. It wasn't suicide. That's enough.

  16. It could have been natural or accidental causes 1:46. Something along the lines of skull fractures, knife nicks on bones, bullet found with skeletal remains all would have been consistant with the child being murdered. None of that was found.
    It was not only unfair but dishonest of the State of FL to even put jurors in the postion of having to make the "leap" and say this was a definite without a doubt murder.
    And now they are doing it again with George Zimmerman. You would think they would have learned their lesson.

  17. The only thing that "Hey, here's the body" proves is that that particular person is dead-that's it that's all, 1:46.
    The cause is the mechanism that actually caused them to die such as a heart attack, gunshot wound, skull fracture.
    Then the manner of death must be determined and of course a heart attack is a natural death. A gunshot wound that causes a death must be determined to be either a homicide, suidcide or accidental.

  18. The IRS does not recognize or honor bankruptcy.......

  19. Hope she gets AIDS.


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