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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Salisbury Mayoral Candidates Meet for First Debate

Jim Ireton - Vote for Me Because Joe Albero Is a Racist

The two candidates for Salisbury mayor met Wednesday night for the the first debate of 2013 election and voters received a sample of what they have to look forward to.  At Wednesday's NAACP forum, incumbent mayor Jim Ireton set the tone for the campaign by implying that challenger Joe Albero is a racist: "It’s become abundantly clear that my opponent on his website is someone who sees color.  I don't."

SBYNews publisher Joe Albero chose not to directly respond to Ireton's attacks during the forum.  Afterwards, Albero had this to say:
When you can't run on your record, this is the type of politics you can expect.  I have a question for the residents of Salisbury - should Jim Ireton be spending his time engaging in the politics of destruction or should he be spending his time trying to solve the problems of Salisbury?  A leader would be working to solve problems.  Jim is clearly not a leader.
During the course of the debate, Albero did comment that Ireton had four years to create jobs in the city, but hadn't.  Ireton's response was to blame the city council for his lack of accomplishment.

The NAACP put on a great event.  Unfortunately, the format did not permit a substantive discussion of issues (regardless of Ireton's antics).  Allowing only one minute to answer a question simply didn't offer the opportunity to here where candidates really stand on issues.  The short answer period was precipitated by the fact that eight candidates appeared at the forum.

At one point in the debate, NAACP president Mary Ashanti was forced to interrupt the proceedings to admonish Ireton (although not by name), "We will not having you come in here to be insulted whether you’re in the audience or up here."

The event was taped for broadcast on PAC-14.  It will also be available on YouTube after airing.


  1. Joe,
    Salisbury will be better off four minutes after you are sworn in - considering the four years we are not better off after!

  2. Ireton has got nothing to show for his time in office so personal attacks will continue.It's the same for most of the dems in office.Watch for some big grant or something to rally people for him.

  3. Ireton was shaking last night and obviously uptight. Either he has the dt's or he's flustered in your presence.

  4. since he opened up that can of stupid, you should have said, do you really know that he has child porn on his computer? since he can just toss accusations out there, why not do the same?

  5. I do not agree 10:16. Joe should continue to stick to the subjects he knows to be the true. Ridiculing Ireton only makes it appear Joe has sunk to Ireton's childish level.

    Ireton's management of the city for the past four years speaks volumes on his inability to continue as Mayor of Salisbury, so there in no need for Joe to repeat or fabricate gossip to win the election. If you believe, as I do, that Jim is incompetent to remain Mayor - VOTE FOR JOE.

  6. I wasn't aware of this debate or else I would have attended.
    Is there another debate scheduled in the near future?

  7. At this point, I'm voting for Joe just as a big middle finger to the Daily Times, Barrie, Mike Dunn, and all the other jerks too numerous to name who have run this town into the dirt for the past twenty plus years. Joe can't POSSIBLY be any worse than the slime who have run this city and lined their pockets for so long.

  8. Beware Joe...in the national election these similar positions and answers were presented...and we saw the results. If the percentage of voters that are "takers" exceeds the contributing citizens...you still come up with the same results.

  9. Mr Albero,

    I did not attend the forum last night for the NAACP at the First Baptist Church last night because i feel that the Church should NOT be involved in a self outed gay Mayor, as a christian i would hope that the church and the pastor would condemn this life style and type of politics period, I am not a big fan of you either but my faith comes first and politics second, thank you for your time and good luck.

  10. I do not see how the Mayor could in good faith attempt to portray Joe as a racist.
    If he's referring to comments then he is still off base because we are equal opportunity bashers here on Sby News. If we think someone's done society wrong or is acting irresponsibly they get equal bashing treatment regardless of race or even religion.
    I agree with 10:52 and it's best to stay out of politics that attempt to portray the opponent as something other than a failure in the postion up for grabs. Even that could get old and a more postive "New Day" approach may be more beneficial.
    I think quite a few Salisbury residents could use some optimism and are sick of hearing that all their ills will be solved with more affordable housing.

  11. Excellect point Gary. The demographics of Salisbury are very similiar to the nation as a whole. So again it will come down to continuing the immoral socialist special interest butt-kissing way or the moral free enterprise socially responsible way. One way we may get different results is to make sure the vote counters are not poltical hacks for the Mojo Flasher.

  12. Just proves the point that a Democrat will always play the race card whenever they have nothing to run on..... I cannot wait to say bye bye to jimmy and watch him cry foul... As crying is all he is good for..... Starting to think jimmy is a frenchman ...lol

  13. Be funny if it turns out Jimmy really is color blind!

  14. The mayor was so flustered last night he kept smiling and winking to certain people in the front row of the Audience, shame on you Jim ireton you truly are a child ,as for you Joe I wished you laid into him.

  15. Joe, Not throwing slurs slurs back to him makes you the better man. Ireton is sooo childish It's best to not stoop to his rediculions accusations however,
    it's always good to address the statement as not truth & carry on.

    He's one pathetic soul if I every saw one!!!

  16. Good for Mary Ashanti for demanding grown up behavior.

    Ireton promised to work with the council and he treats Terry Cohen 10 times worse than he did Louise Smith.

    The way Ireton treats women, he has a hell of a lot of nerve trying to pin bias on anyone else.

  17. Why is there no coverage of this event on WBOC. Is it because Joe Carmean works there now.

  18. WBOC is gonna be a has been just like the Daily Times one day. They however are doing it to themselves by totally ignoring Virginia News, giving some local and ALOT of Delaware especially Sussex County. Who the h--- cares about sussex county. I guess they do that cause of the advertisers in Delaware~ I watch 47 and they have alot better news and weather.

  19. Ireton calling Albero a racist is the pot calling the kettle black..no pun intended..and that's the truth.

  20. I hope when you become mayor that you leave WBOC out of your loop.

  21. There are human marketing targets (potential retail customers)in Sussex County that have to be lured to the station's programming to keep advertisers happy and to build the station's advertising sales base in DE.

    As Navins Johnson said, "Ohh! It's a money thing!"


  23. We gotta fix this area before it gets any worse!
    Ireton needs to go. He truly is a major part of the problem.
    He obviously can't work others well. We need mature and civil leaders to work together as a team and with the community to get Salisbury on the right track.

  24. Why waste your time with the NAACP they wont back you, they cannot see over the entitlements the majority of African Americans receive in this city/county, and that's just the plan truth whether you like it or not.

  25. 3:58, AMEN!

    Vote for the GROWN UP!

  26. How do the parents of this crybaby put up with him teaching kids?

  27. Albero and the citizens of Salisbury 1
    Ireton and the agents of lies and intolerance 0

  28. Sometimes, when one stands back, watches and listens closely then you can truly see the "metal" of the person. I believe it is always better to let your opponent do themselves in without any help. It makes the victory so much sweeter. Pretty is that pretty does.

  29. Mr. Albero I believe you have the interests of Salisbury, and the citizens best interests at heart. I also believe you act as a gentleman and you will have my vote. I believe both you and Mrs. Campbell will work well together for the taxpayers and the city and look forward to a new Salisbury. May GOD watch over you and keep you both on the correct course.

  30. Dear Mrs Ashantee,

    I know Jim Ireton tries to make black folks think he's so supportive of them, but I got the chance to hear how he really feels once. He got no right to call any body racist.

    I seen you on tv. I don't know we'd agree on everything, but I think you give lots of time and care so I respect you for it.

  31. Joe:

    We saw this last year when O'bammy blasted Romney. And 4 years earlier when he trashed McCain.

    Typical Democrat tactics.

  32. 6:14...She's one hell of an educated woman there isn't she?

  33. I was there last night and the only people that had class there where the Moderator, Mrs Ashanti, and Joe.

  34. When's the next debate Joe?
    Did the public ask you & Jim questions?
    I don't think you would mind answering questions, but I would imagine that Jim would be uneasy about answering questions.

  35. MK said...
    The mayor was so flustered last night he kept smiling and winking to certain people in the front row of the Audience, shame on you Jim ireton you truly are a child ,as for you Joe I wished you laid into him.

    January 31, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    Who was sitting in the front row that he was winking at?

  36. Anonymous said...
    I do not agree 10:16. Joe should continue to stick to the subjects he knows to be the true. Ridiculing Ireton only makes it appear Joe has sunk to Ireton's childish level.

    Ireton's management of the city for the past four years speaks volumes on his inability to continue as Mayor of Salisbury, so there in no need for Joe to repeat or fabricate gossip to win the election. If you believe, as I do, that Jim is incompetent to remain Mayor - VOTE FOR JOE.

    January 31, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    I respectfully disagree with you. In politics these days you have to fight fire with fire or you will lose an election. Look at the last 2 elections and where being a nice guy got McCain and Romney. Quit being the nice guy pansy and fight back!

  37. anonymous 8:42, If it means I will lose the election for remaining professional and not lowering myself to Jim Ireton's level, so be it. Just remember, this isn't my election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose.

  38. Just saying fight fire with fire!

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just saying fight fire with fire!

    January 31, 2013 at 9:24 PM

    And by the way it's not my vote you have to worry about is the point.

  40. I believe that there are a number of people that believe that everything that appears on this blog has the stamp of approval of Joe. Having said that...there have been some very off color statements at times on this site that could be confused with racial intolerance. OR just maybe it IS intolerance..BUT.. the issue is the right of EVERYONE to be heard here and that includes even the comments we DO NOT like or find offensive. I have been talking to people in the city and this has been expressed to me. It is unfortunate that some people cannot understand that this is a free society where many different thoughts and feelings are expressed and that that does not mean that the publishers or people who run blogs are siding with them. Take the time to really get to know the candidate. If you care about doing the right thing and voting you should know who you are voting into office.

  41. I don't live in Salisbury City limits, so therefore I can't vote in this election. Im neither Republican or Democrat, Im Independent and atfer seeing this debate, there is no doubt,, JOE ALBERO Is the BEST CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. He is the best man for the job, bar none. Mr. Joe, you have my support if you need it.

  42. I attended class for grandparents day at Iretons school a few years ago, I must say I saw kids in his class that where more mature than he.From what i saw on t.v. things have not changed.

  43. Funny the level of stupidity on the part of Jimbo.
    Go to a racist organization which by it's very existence admits racial inferiority and cry racism.
    What a nit wit.

  44. Jim Ireton is not the great white hope for the black community. All he offers the black community is section 8 housing when we need jobs just like everyone else.

  45. "All he offers the black community is section 8 housing when we need jobs just like everyone else."

    I believe it was candidate Ms Jackson who made the point about employers being reluctant to hire those with criminal backgrounds and this is a hugh problem. I am all for giving someone who has made poor choices a second chance if they are proving to me they are serious. This includes changes in their dress, speech, and friends.

  46. This area is flooded with sex offenders, a majority of them are older white men.

  47. In my humble opinion Salisbury needs a complete overhaul for Mayor and Council. Status Quo is not working.
    Many on here will disagree. I can live with that. I see no progress in changing the outlook of Salisbury.
    I am originally from Easton and saw what business minded people can do for a city. I watched transformation in Cambridge as well. Many say the same for for Berlin. In contrast I saw failure in Crisfield and I see failure in Salisbury. You want change then you have to want change and accoutability.

  48. White trash lives there too.

  49. Mr Albero I truely hope that you win this election and make some big changes in the city public works. Mrs.Gardner Thinks she can play god with the public works employees. Now she has made it so that the employees are not allowed to take their time that they have accumulated as they wish. How is this fair and was this approved by city council. Why are they the only ones who work for the city of salisbury being targeted and it not being a city wide rule!

  50. Joe,
    I'm taking a legal class at Salisbury University and was told by our professor that we would not have class on Tuesday because they are using the room for a mayoral debate. I can't find anything on your site. Have you not announced this?


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