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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Any Comment Piers Morgan?


  1. Facts do not matter to the leftist agenda to ban gun ownership--Gun laws are useless because CRIMINALS DON NOT OBEY THE LAW. The law abiding citizen will be th one who loses AGAIN.

  2. Why would any logically thinking American listen to British Liberal Socialist Moderator Piers Morgan? Guy who got kicked out of Britain and is now on the new mission to take guns out of hands of Americans. Well, unless you are another Liberal Socialist Democ-Rat who believes everything they feed you through MSM TV networks.

  3. I watched the interview with the Sheriff and this Jerk. All the Jerk could say was "give me one example where" such and such has happened. Stupid question. What are you to do, sit around and wait for something to happen then become proactive? It's called being prepared in the event of. The Democrat way seems not to believe in being prepared for anything ever including saving money for a rainy day.

  4. Looks to me like all of these countries have some sort of gun ban or prohibition.
    Proof positive the progressive liberals want our guns for another reason. It is certainly not to keep us safe based on these facts.
    Now, why else would they want to take away our guns?

  5. Democrats never ever think ahead. That's why they are democrats because when they were kids they fell for the indoctrination common in liberal school systems which includes a ban on forward critical thinking.
    Like guns they think a gun ban is going to magically cure violent behavior. Take away all guns and everything will be wonderful is their rational instead of focusing on what make a person violent and preventing that they prefer to wait until someone shows violent tendancies and then act.

  6. Every time politics mentions gun control, the flood gates open to weapon purchases. The only stock going up right now is guns and ammo. Works every time!

  7. A few companies that sponsor Piers Morgan on CNN are, Purina, American Airlines, General Foods, Red Lobster, Price Line, Alaka Selzer, Magic Jack, etc. I no longer purchase any products or anything related to those Companies.

  8. 10:06 Thanks for the info. I won't be purchasing anything from them either.

  9. Thanks for the info 10:06. I intend to now email Purina and inform that I will no longer purchase their products. I buy 2 different types of their Veterinary Diet products. As far as Red Lobster we call it Dead Lobster and the motto being "Dead Lobster for the Baby Seal Clubber In You". We've not ever been thrilled with their practice of buying Canadian seafood because of the seals Canada allows to be clubbed to death and have never gone there.

  10. Funny how it gets overlooked that a gun, a knife, or a big guy holding a bat are equally intimidating when pointed in your direction.

  11. What exactly is wrong with clubbing a seal? It is certainly more humane than anal electrocution.
    Animals are food and it has nothing to do with the topic.

  12. 10:06 I just changed dog food and bird chow. I no longer use Purina.


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