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Friday, January 04, 2013


Mayor Ireton will submit paperwork for re-election at 12:15 PM today (Friday), January 4, 2013 at the office of Kim Nichols, the City Clerk, at City Hall.

“When was the last time a politician could look you in the eye and tell you he did exactly what he promised when he ran for office? Well, I can and I’m proud of it. I'm proud of the coalitions I've built in making Salisbury a great place to do business, an exciting place to visit, and a safer place to live. Salisbury has $16 Million in surplus and I haven’t raised property taxes as mayor. We have torn down blighted houses as well as the Thrift Travel Inn and Linens of the Week.

I am looking forward to talking to citizens about how our city has significantly lowered crime rates, how we have created the first Wicomico River Watershed Plan, and how we have partnered with so many businesses and groups in the continued revitalization of our neighborhoods and our downtown.

Salisbury has made great strides by saying "YES" to so many partnerships with those who want our city to succeed and I am excited to ask our citizens to let me continue to lead on important issues. For all the times other elected officials have said "NO" to our citizens, I have said "YES" to moving Salisbury forward.”

Highlights of Mayor Ireton's First Term:

· Abandoned barges removed from the North Prong of Wicomico River

· Trash collection systems installed on many river outfall pipes

· 40% reduction in violent crime rates over 4 years, and 20% drop over the last decade

· Thrift Travel Inn and Linens of the Week blight torn down

· $16 Million dollars in city surplus funds

· City Audit done at the earliest in history

· 270 page Downtown Revitalization plan introduced

· Bateman/Onley Road Construction complete

· Tenants Bill of Rights is law

· Wastewater Treatment Plant lawsuit settled

· Salisbury named an All-America City
Thank you, everyone, for your support!



  1. I can only hope he gets called out on his actions at mojos last week with his sexual harassment issues.

  2. He must be dreaming!

  3. Jim bring it on! You are not going to win.

  4. This guy is unreal hope you give it to him good joe lol not like that though.

  5. All American city that's a JOKE you don't dare to walk the streets at night downtown and this idiot wants to build 500 more low income houses downtown the guy has zero good ideas for downtown HELL no ireton must go...

  6. Has Jim bumped his head or something?

  7. 16 Million in surplus??? Why doesn't he properly staff and pay his police department then? Idiot

  8. I have to ask. Just how much of all the things mentioned were his idea? If he had his way he would have spent ever penny of that 16 million dollar surplus he mentioned. While the list looks impressive to those that read the daily slime not much got done in 4 years.

  9. He can run all he wants but he will not get reelected and he knows this.

  10. lmao i'm sure he has numerous sexual harassment incidents at mojos and formerly flavors shewwww he gets it in that's for sure!

  11. anonymous 11:37, MOST were the ideas of Council President Terry Cohen.

    That being said, it did happen while Jim Ireton was Mayor but it doesn't surprise me at all that Jim would attempt to take all the credit.

    So every one knows, I am extremely pleased Jim Ireton has chosen to run.

    Put on your seat belts Ladies & Gentlemen because this is going to be one heck of a ride.

  12. Blah Blah Blah

    Jim has done nothing for this town but divide it.

    Bye Bye Dude

  13. How about we make a list of the things he didn't do while he was Mayor...or would that take to long?

  14. joe i hope you call him out on his actions as a mayor (hanging out in bars and taking his shirt off, peeing in the woman's bathroom and sexually harassing them etc etc ) When is this fool going to his due punishment ?
    he is an embarrassment to the office of the mayor.

  15. Trash he cant even keep Downtown clean?

  16. Just out of curiosity Joe, are you worried about losing now knowing that Jim is definitely running? (LOL!)

  17. This a joke right? He is not seriously running is he?

  18. anonymous 11:48, thanks for the laugh today.

    I personally cannot believe he even considered it but am very glad he did.

    You have to have a huge ego to run again after his record.

  19. Any surplus is only because of the actions of the so called "majority" council members and because they had the guts to say "NO" to reckless irreponsible spending.

  20. I cant wait for the debates it will be better than the presidential ones go get him Joe.

  21. No problem Joe...I figured you could've used a good laugh today.
    Speaking of laughs, I'm sure that I will come up with great ideas for several cartoons during his campaign so I'll be e-mailing them to you to post for your viewers to enjoy.

  22. My mother is probably saying liar,liar pants on fire if she is reading this.
    Ireton proposed a huge tax increase this year. We can thank the council for stopping that. The only reason that he didn't raise taxes was because the council said "No." Thank you city council!

  23. Really Jim. I Don't think so.

  24. 1158 make sure you do a cartoon of the mayor taking out his trash and getting mugged downtown lol what a joke.

  25. SO we know there is going to be ONE candidate for Mayor. Guess you will let us know when you will actually FILE????

  26. God SBY is a such awesome city... Glad I live somewhere else...

    SBY MOTO: "Where we take your money, and only try to fix the unfixable, just to waste time"

  27. Wow. He led a 20% reduction in violent crime over the last decade? I didn't know that he had been in office that long! lol

  28. This is funny but I bet he drops out befor it's all over. I don't think he wants to be beat up that bad buy Joe.

  29. Rumor has it Mike Dunn will file shortly.

  30. anonymous 12:20, Why don't you use your head for once. I physically moved to Salisbury more than 9 months ago. I've already stated I was going to announce next week. Why would I relocate to Salisbury if I didn't plan on running. Today is Jim Ireton's day and next Tuesday will be mine. Out of professional respect I stayed away from Jim's announcement today and have placed his announcement at the very top of Salisbury News to give it the exposure he's asked for. Let's see if he'll do the same next week. Some how I doubt it but we'll see.

  31. anonymous 12:41, AWESOME! Remember, I've been around a VERY long time and I recall ALL of the past political issues.

  32. Joe:

    Please save us from another mayoral disaster -- after Barrie and Jim-Beau we are down to the last strike before "Game Over".

  33. Obama:

    Mover over - we here in Salisbury have a better liar!


  35. i hope everyone has their phones and cameras ready for photo ops of mayor ireton on his drunken binges downtown. i for one would like the public to see what they might be voting for rather than just hear about it secondhand.

  36. I am sure jimbo will be a good little girl while he is going through the re-election process.

  37. I must admire him for even thinking about winning. He is lost in his own little world with blinders on. He may be a pretty nice guy , but I've never talked to him.
    I've studied his performance as mayor and watched him make a fool out of himself. Having said that , we all have at some point in our life. But he forgets that he is a public figure and is is expected to set an example.
    Looking at his qualifications , he is a lost puppy. The people of the city of Salisbury made a big mistake with this man.
    I do hope that he has some competition in the race for mayor.
    I have heard he is gay , but I just don't know. If he is , that's one thorn in his side along with his temper.
    Good luck with this election.

  38. who cares if he's gay? that has no bearing on anything at all. it's his ridiculous behavior we should focus on , not who he prefers to date. i have seen him out and about downtown on the weekends and it's an embarrassment to our city that he behaves like a drunken idiot in public on a regular basis.

  39. Let's set the record straight on the "Highlights of Mayor Ireton's First Term:"

    · Abandoned barges removed from the North Prong of Wicomico River
    - That could have only hapened with a "yes" vote by the council.

    · Trash collection systems installed on many river outfall pipes
    -Debbie Campbell was the one that got the attention focused on this when the city was planning the Waverly Dr. stormwater system without any filtration before release of the water into the river. That was before Ireton was elected. Again, the council voted "yes" in support of the plan that Ireton advanced.

    · 40% reduction in violent crime rates over 4 years, and 20% drop over the last decade
    -Thank you Terry Cohen for identifying the Safe Streets as a source of funding and collaboration for crime reduction. Thank you members of the Crime Task Force, especially the sub-committee that Debbie Campbell worked with, for all of the time that was spent in the assessment of the core problems - including high turnover from an inadequate police pay scale. Again, a "yes" vote by council was required to make this happen.

    · Thrift Travel Inn and Linens of the Week blight torn down
    -Again, "yes" votes by the council and insistance by Cohen that the bank that owed Thrift pay for the demo instead of the taxpayers. Ireton wanted to go straight to a budget amendment and pay for it with our tax dollars.

    · $16 Million dollars in city surplus funds
    -Yet, if the Mayor had his way there would have been a huge tax increase. The surplus is largely due to Campbell's work on transparency in the budget process and a sharp pencil. Don't forget how the Mayor tries to keep financial information from the council and from us even though we are the taxpayers. Does he forget that it's our money.

    · City Audit done at the earliest in history
    -Who raised the issues of the sloppiness and lateness around the audit when she was first elected and has pushed ever since to get a timely audit and to reslove the weaknesses that are identified during the process. It is Debbie Campbell. Does he think that we don't pay attention?

    · 270 page Downtown Revitalization plan introduced
    -Didn't seem like much more than a plan to give away downtown assets that belong to us taxpayers.

    · Bateman/Onley Road Construction complete
    -It was the council that worked hard to make that happen and to reduce the cost to the taxpayers. The council voted "yes" even though Ireton held press conferences and called them names -I suspect to try to make them mad enough to say no. Instead they took the high road and considered public safety first.

    · Tenants Bill of Rights is law
    -An idea advanced by Campbell for years, but Smith, Dunn, Cathcart and the rest wouldn't support it because they really didn't seem to care about tenants. Again, a "yes" vote by the council.

    · Wastewater Treatment Plant lawsuit settled
    -As I recall, Ireton used that as an opportunity to pick a fight over the letterhead that the press release would be printed on. At any rate, again, the council voted "yes."

    *So in conclusion, none of what Ireton is taking credit for would have been possible without the council, yet he condemns them on a regular basis and doesn't have enough class to even share the credit...let alone give credit where it's due. I hate to think where Salisbury would be if the council had been a rubber stamp for all of Ireton's ill conceived plans.

    Ireton keeping his campaign promises what nonsense. I can think of several right off the bat that were broken within weeks or months of his election. What about reducing the cost of the Mayor's office or council access to department heads? Did someone write Ireton's announcement as a spoof?

    Jim, if someone else wrote that for you, you should be questioning their motives. To make your filing announcement one of the biggest falsehoods of your time in office - why would someone who really supports you do such a thing?

  40. who cares if he is gay? who he chooses to date is not the problem here. his reckless drunken behavior is the problem (or one of them) it is an embarrassment to our city to have someone like that in office. we need him out in this next election.

  41. Mike Dunn, Old Mall, Sassafras, threw waded paper at a senior, Fire Palace, WWTP, Zoo issues with out flow pipe, illegal sludge pit along Wicomico river, the list goes on

  42. The list he made would not have been possible without the council, but he damns them.

    Joe, most of the good things on that list really started with Debbie Campbell (all due respect to Terry Cohen who has helped too).

    If it hadn't been for the council telling Jim when to stop eating cookies, that child would have emptied the jar.

    If Mike Dunn runs, may as well elect Barrie Tilghman again.

  43. Dunn another drunkin lush

  44. Ireton must be crazy. What happened at mojo's is all over the city. It's no wonder Salisbury is considered the toilet of the eastern shore. He needs to go. My vote will go to Joe.

    1. What happened?????

    2. Jim Ireton followed a few women into the ladies room at Mojo's. They asked him to leave because they felt uncomfortable with him in there. He said he wasn't going to leave and told them to pee with him in there. Then he pulled out his penis in front of them and began urinating in front of them. One of the women has contacted an attorney because she is in fear of losing her job when she comes forward. She is leaning toward going public and suing for sexual harassment but doesn't want to be fired. Her lawyer told her to keep it quiet and let it go through the courts. We'll see.

  45. Oh my god. He's sitting on $16 million while Teresa Gardner is threatening public works employees with more furloughs! They haven't had a raise in 5 years. Shame on you Jim! Jim commissioned a study to justify a raise for himself, a year after giving his whole staff a raise! But police, fire, public works, etc... get the shaft again!

  46. 16 million?
    TAX cuts for city residents!

  47. Dunn has snorted so much cocaine he's lucky he still has a nose.

  48. The other elected officials didn't say "no" to the citizens.

    They said "no" to Ireton's foolishness and broken promises on behalf of the taxpayers.

    This list is a joke.

    Ireton is a joke.

    Shields will keep running until she crowns her successor.

    What a joke.

    Dunn running? Good. Need more joke.

    Local newspaper that supports these clowns? Joke.

    So glad I don't live in the limits. Would die laughing.

  49. Being GAY is not an issue; Obama is GAY, Hilary Clinton is GAY, Barnie Franks is GAY, and so to be effective in Public Office you have to GAY.

  50. Not at all like the big show that he put on at that restaurant on Route 13 when he ran last time. When will he release his video (with his escapades at Mojo's and before that Flavors totally omitted of course)?

  51. Dunn and Ireton's plans are to split the vote and hope for the best. Won't work

  52. wow 50 comments already. I'm not going to read them all, I'm sure they say pretty much the same thing. And I'll add to it.

    You can run it you like, and I'm sure you will get a few votes. But if you win again, Salisbury loses.

    Just like Obammy winning is bad for this country, you are the same on a smaller scale.

    Good luck at your teaching job. Poor kids, I'm sure you will be moping and pouting for a few months after you lose.

    You may want to look into moving to Rehobeth. You fit in there better. Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

  53. He is going to throw everything to the paper to take attention to his lack of ability as a leader or organizer. Prepare for attacks on the council and anyone who had a better or different idea.

    Make sure you register to vote

  54. Joe, when I thought Liarton couldn't get any more delusionsal, he proves me wrong. Only once we remove him from office will our city start to improve. Every eligible voter needs to get out and vote for Joe so we can take our city back.

    You have my full support Joe. Our family's introduction to your site changed our lives and I'm eternally grateful to you for opening our eyes to what is really going on in this city. Under your leadership, I know our city will get better.

    Suck on this Ireton! Until we get you out of office our city will never improve. Count the days until the election pal. Keep telling your lies all you want Jim, we're on to you.

  55. wow. i thought i was the only one who has seen ireton drunk and hanging with "questionable" friends at mojo's. this is amazing. yes he and his table were very loud,obnoxious and foul mouthed. perverted sexual inuendos were flying and many of the patrons were not happy. such a shame and an embarrasment for our city. we deserve better than this, but it will only happen if you register to vote and work for joe to honorably represent Salisbury and bring common sense and unity back to those that work for our city.

  56. anonymous 6:24, Thank You. I have a plan in which I am not at liberty to expose at this time but let me assure each and every one of you the following. I have plans that will completely change the scope of local government. I have shared these plans with very experienced and reputable people both in business and in politics and they couldn't be more excited.

    I wish I could share them with every one but this is a campaign in which you and I both know Ireton will try to steal, (respectfully).

    Jim Ireton knows NOTHING about running a business and he has proven such over the past four years. He has skated off the Council's ideas because he has none of his own. He has taken credit for things he had nothing to do with, that's about to change and he is about to be challenged.

    I have stated time and time again, they never saw Joe Albero coming. No one has ever run for Office with the background and knowledge of city business like I know.

    Be patient for a few more days and when I announce you'll start to see just where I'm headed. My running for Mayor has been in the making for two years now. I'm ready, I'm prepared and I'm going to not only win, I'm going to truly make Salisbury and place each and every one of you will be extremely proud of.

  57. WBOC didn't cover Ireton's announcement at all. Goodbye Jimmy

  58. Someone needs to get that fool of a mayor on VIDEO...

  59. Someone needs to stand up and file a complaint if these Mojo things are going on.

    Salisbury has very few people willing to stand up. Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies have endured threats, smears, false ethics charges, even bricks, dead fish and media ambushes at their homes and you're telling me multiple people who can back each other up can't see their way clear to file a complaint against the offender?

    This is why Salisbury is in the toilet. In the Mojo's case, if true, literally in the toilet. If people would stand together and take a stand, there's nothing "they" can do to you.

    Joe, I give you (and the three punching bags on council) a lot of credit. No way would I run for office in that town because the people do not stand up for themselves or anyone.

  60. Be careful they are just waiting for you to run and then they are going to run right over you. They are going to make you look like the biggest dumb ass ever. Joe don't run unless you like the feel of a jail cell.

  61. who cares if he's gay? that has no bearing on anything at all. it's his ridiculous behavior we should focus on , not who he prefers to date. i have seen him out and about downtown on the weekends and it's an embarrassment to our city that he behaves like a drunken idiot in public on a regular basis.

    January 4, 2013 1:12 PM

    Well this mayor IS gay. He has done a crappy job as mayor. He has embarrassed himself and the city. He behaves like a girl and throws temper tantrums. He wears flip flops and official events. When he does wear shoes, he has no socks.

    Who knows if being gay causes him to act this way. But this GAY MAYOR has to go. This pc crap has gone on far too long and it needs to go also.

    But pc is a good label for gay boy. Pretentious chump.

  62. About gay politics , look at California , it is a disaster.
    That state has many gay people in the position of mayor , police chief etc. It may be the straw that broke the camels back in this country. The example that they have set is ridiculous. Life guards making $150,000 a year , council members making in excess of $250,000 a year , this is just the tip of the iceburg. I have nothing against gays , but look at the stats.

  63. anonymous 10:06, ROTFLMAO! Thank you so much for the morning laugh.

  64. The only reason Ireton got elected was the only other choice for mayor was Gary. People haven't forgot the way Gary and Dunn treated Debbie Campbell.

    Debbie Campbell got more votes from her district alone, than Ireton did from the entire city. Campbell and Cohen saved us from Ireton's tax hike that he wanted when we have a surplus.

    Kudos to Campbell and Cohen.

  65. I noticed also that as of last night WBOC didn't cover this announcement. JT's site got ZERO comments on it but he will not approved comments negative toward the mayor generally and you know that's all he's getting.

  66. This guy has a snowball chance in hell on getting back into office!

  67. Joe, Teresa Gardner is threatening employees that talk to you with termination. Even if it happens off the clock. She is also telling people there are going to be more furloughs and a hiring freeze. Even though Ireton is saying there is a $16 million surplus. So is he lying or is she?

  68. Laughed when I read the Daily Times today. Ireton was talking about distractions. He probably meant you, Joe. In an election, other candidates are not distractions.

    Funny thing is, Debbie Campbell has talked before about things that distract from discussing the real issues.

    Ireton is once again trying to sound like his longtime friend that he has used and trashed.

    Let me tell you one thing, Jim Ireton, the public knows you are no Debbie Campbell and never will be. You rode in on her coattails, and then kicked her to the curb like so many of your other supporters.

    You are a user, a scoundrel and an egomaniac. Just my opinion, but I know many, many voters who agree with me.

  69. Can someone please tell me how in the hell Salisbury was nominated as an "All-American City"!?

  70. Joe, you can be a modern day Ted Bilbo. Like you, he was a fighter who stood up for what he believed in, he didn't worry about saying what was "politically correct", or any other liberal BS.

  71. Can someone please tell me how in the hell Salisbury was nominated as an "All-American City"!?

    January 5, 2013 2:28 PM

    Maybe because most cities are becoming vulgar pits of human existence?

    Look how blight, crime, unemployment, lack of funds, lack of leadership, etc., has turned a lot of prosperous cities into hell-holes.

    Salisbury has joined too ranks, albeit at a smaller scale than some.

    We have the crime, unemployment, lack of leaders, etc,. of other fallen cities.

    We just haven't reached bottom yet.

    Joe offers a ray of light into that and gives hope of turning it around.

    Time will tell if he is successful. And for all our sake's, I hope he delivers.

  72. booooooooooooo. he needs to go!

  73. The All American city award did not result from anything Ireton did.

    REPEAT - had NOTHING to do with what Ireton did.

    City got it because of programs out there done by other people with the city putting up funds for those people to go tell their story for Salisbury.

    Jim Ireton's slogan: "If you did it, I'll take the credit for it."

  74. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Why can't every one take the higher road and debate the political issues affecting Salisbury, rather than slinging mud? Who among you can cast the first stone?


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