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Friday, January 04, 2013

ICE Deports 1,215 Illegal Aliens Convicted of Homicide, 5,557 Sex Offenders in FY 2012, Limiting Deportations to Serious Offenders

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency has announced the number of illegal aliens deported during fiscal year 2012, including 1,215 individuals who were convicted of homicide and 5,557 who were convicted of sexual offenses. At the same time, ICE announced that it was limiting deportations to serious criminals.

In all, 409,849 individuals were deported, according to ICE. Of these, approximately 55 percent, or 225,390 of the people removed, were convicted of felonies. This includes 1,215 aliens convicted of homicide, 5,557 aliens convicted of sexual offenses, 40,448 aliens convicted for crimes involving drugs, and 36,166 aliens convicted for driving under the influence.

"Smart and effective immigration enforcement relies on setting priorities for removal and executing on those priorities," ICE Director John Morton said in announcing the end-of-year announcement.



  1. Obama will invite those deported to the White House for a cocaine summit soon enough' he needs their votes as he runs a third term.

  2. Okay, this begs a question. If 400k were deported for committing serious crimes, then how many were allowed to stay? After all, just being here without documentation/ permission is a crime in itself, or has ICE forgotten that part of their job.

    Just asking; is it another 400k, or 4 million?


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