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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Illinois Lawmakers Commit Open Treason

An Illinois Senate committee passes through strict gun restrictions, that go against the constitutional grain of all federal rulings on the topic. The public health committee voted to go ahead with legislation that is intended to ban all semi-automatic rifles, AND pistols. This committee is made up of the following individuals:
Chairperson : William Delgado D
Vice-Chairperson : Mattie Hunter D
Member: Susan Garrett D
Member: Michael Noland D
Member: Jeffrey M. Schoenberg D
Member: Heather A. Steans D
Minority Spokesperson : Dave Syverson R
Member: Shane Cultra R
Member: Christine J. Johnson R
Member: Carole Pankau R
The news article quotes them as voting across party lines, so assume anyone with a D after their name, to have committed perjury of their oath of office.

The treason portion comes from Governor Quinn when he made this statement:
“There is no place in Illinois for weapons designed to rapidly fire at human targets at close range,”


  1. agreed this means everyone including police

  2. Well done to the legislators who voted FOR this ban.

  3. 11:51 May one day you need a gun and not have one. May one day they take away your free speech. May one day you live in a fima camp.

  4. MOVE OUT OF THE STATE...and screw you GUN CONTROL ADVOCATES. My Constitution is not up for CNN POLLS or Popular Option.

  5. As far as i know we still have the second amendment signed in 1791 and it does not have an expiration date on it.


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