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Saturday, January 05, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 1-5-13


While you and I don't see eye to eye on everything You have always listened to me and treated me like a human and I will never let that fall to the wayside.

Please make sure that you use any chance you get to tell people to register to vote, this is over looked so many times

Thank you and you can count on my continued support.


  1. A great point and I would like to add to take it one step forward and always have pre stamped registration forms on hand at all times. Also absentee ballots in case someone has a preplanned vacation or some other obligation that prevents them from voting on election day.

  2. Joe, get the facts before doing what people are suggesting.

    You can give people a registration form, but you cannot hand them an absentee ballot, just an application request for one.

    Check before you hand anyone something with pre-paid postage that it is allowed.


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