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Monday, January 28, 2013

Illinois Becomes Fourth State To Allow Driver's Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn on Sunday signed a law allowing undocumented immigrantsto apply for driver's licenses, in a move he said would improve road safety.

Undocumented immigrants can also obtain driver's licenses in New Mexico and Washington state, while Utah allows driving permits.

"Despite the stalemate on immigration reform in Washington D.C., Illinois is moving forward," Quinn said in a statement. "This common sense law will help everybody, regardless of their background, learn the rules of the road, pass a driving test and get insurance."



  1. So if permitting illegals to get drivers permits makes the roads safer!....... Let everyone carry guns to get rid of crime has to work!

  2. Well the states will then have a list of the folks to round up and deport.....

  3. “Illinois is moving forward”, really? Is ‘ant Chicago in Illinois? Is ‘ant Chicago supposed to be one of the safest cities in the U.S. because of all the great gun laws the city has? My, my, how stupid politicians can get! A state issued ID opens all the doors for them now, it is only a matter of time before Obama and the other stupid domocrates legalizes the 11 million illegal’s in our country for votes in 2016. Just try and illegally enter Mexico, Russia, Iran, and ect. The USA is the only one that caters to the illegal invasion, other countries lock you up and some even shoot you! No wonder birth rates are down in married couples, who would want to bring an innocent child into such a screwed up country?

  4. Undocumented Immigrants = Illegal Aliens


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