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Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Water Main Break In Salisbury

For those of you in the Virginia Ave. PA, Oak Hill and Texas Rd/Dr/Ave areas, your water is off because of yet another water main break.

The infrastructure issues in Salisbury is, (simply put) a major problem being ignored by Mayor Ireton. Ireton has proven to be REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE.

You can't put small bandages on major wounds and think we'll survive. Salisbury needs new leadership. Watch the Mayor claim the pipes froze, NOT. 


  1. Agreed, with this old infrastructure in this city, it's like putting a bandaid on AIDS.

  2. What's this like a dozen water main breaks in just a couple of months? Everytime I turn around Salisbury has a problem with this. Someone's slacking.

  3. I agree that Ireton needs to be proactive.
    He also needs to admit that he is accountable for many of Salisbury's problems and INactions, rather than misleading Salisbury's voters by pretending that he is some sort of imaginary flawless leader.

  4. So how will you pay for these fixes?

  5. anonymous 11:28, come to the forum Wednesday night and I'll tell you exactly how I will get it done.

  6. Joe- please repost the details of this Wednesday's forum- I missed it, and want to attend. Thanks

  7. Put it here in writting! Lot of people has to work.

  8. anonymous 11:44, first of all this meeting is at 7 PM.

    Secondly, I guess you'll have to wait until I knock on your door so I can tell you face to face how I plan on handling it.

    I'm not going to feed you my plans for Salisbury so Jim Ireton can, (and has already done) follow in my foot steps and use my campaign messages.

    Nice try. The election isn't tomorrow and I'm sure in time we'll spread my message, vision and leadership plans.

    Then again, since the Daily Times refuses to publish ANY of my Press Releases, maybe at a later point I'll have to express them here. Time will tell.


    Wed., Jan. 30, 7 p.m.
    First Baptist Church
    Corner of Delaware and Booth St.

    Mayor candidates
    Dist. 1 council candidates
    Dist. 2 council candidates

  10. 3 district two candidates I thought, Harris or Jackson? Polk and Shields.

  11. District two is April Jackson, Cynthia Polk and Shanie Shields.

  12. Anonymous said...
    District two is April Jackson, Cynthia Polk and Shanie Shields.

    January 28, 2013 at 12:38 PM

    No they are in District 1

  13. No, District ONE = April Jackson, Cynthia Polk and Shanie Shields.

    District TWO = Debbie Campbell, Jake Day and Jack Heath

    Mayor = Joe Albero and Jim Ireton

    No primary for the mayor's seat.

    Council seat primary is Feb. 26.
    General is April 2. Both are Tuesdays.

  14. Joe, How about proposing a "Mayor's Youth Council?" It's could provide Salisbury's youth with an active role in addressing youth issues. It could be something along the lines of 15-18 yr olds who submit interest in serving to the council memeber who represents their district.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    District two is April Jackson, Cynthia Polk and Shanie Shields.

    January 28, 2013 at 12:38 PM

    No they are in District 1

  16. Beginning to look as if I'm reading Abbott and Costella's - Who's on First

  17. How is that infrastructure working out for you mayor?

  18. These guys are getting a bath and it's not even Saturday.

  19. The infrastructure in the City of Salisbury is shot. Instead of spending millions and millions on the Salisbury Fire Department that money would have been better spent on the roads and water and sewer. What a bunch of idiots we elected.

  20. I hope those poor public works employees got the opportunity to go home and take hot showers. I know they had to be freezing working on those pipes and getting soaked.

  21. Hey people this is in Pennsylvania.

  22. lol, no PA in this context is Pennsylvania ave which is near the other listed streets. also the pic is from Henderson, Nevada.


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