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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Viewers Thoughts

Perspective on the Welfare and taxes-You know I don't mind helping the needy out ,but when I received my new tax bill this year after being told it would not ever go up I was really pissed. Another $150.00 a month gone, no matter how much I make every year it goes down, gas is still highest its ever been but Dumbocrats don't complain because our savior in in office. So, this year like large corporations I am giving less. You see a year or so ago I adopted a kid, to teach my kids about helping others that needed help. Really cool thing is you right a letter, send gifts and get responses back from the child you adopt, or I hope its her not some scam who ever really knows. 
My point, well walking through the mall other day I was watching all the people thinking… I may be supporting that person, or that person who knows. You see, when the government takes money out of my check I don't know who Im supporting. It would be great for government to assign a family to each of us, so then we can share letters and send gifts. See them grow and at least watch where our money goes… No, we have to walk around look at all the worthless people with no care in the world to ever even look for a job, get free cell phones eat lobster, get beer and cigarettes. 
Yeah, system works great, thanks Dumbocrats and The Obamations.
Just like corporate America… I'm done being charitable cause I am forced in being charitable.


  1. just heard about a shooting in the county. no details yet

  2. I agree 100%.
    The sad thing is , we are doomed as a nation. We cannot stand another 4 years under dictatorship rule.
    The process that is taking place has been a very slow movement to avoid any up-rising.
    I can see that we will be a socialist society by the end of his term. At that time most of Americans will be brain washed into accepting this .
    The Lord only knows what will happen during the next 4 years , I fear a major event in the shape of civil war.
    I just hope who ever leads this will be smart enough to destroy the enemy within.

  3. I believe a great number of people are done being charitable. Why pay for any charity? The Government knows best how to spend our money. The Government finds 1 person who needs food, so they give away food to 1000. The Government finds 1 person who needs help with housing so they subsidise housing for 10,000. The Government finds 1 person who is handicapped and they supply handi-capped PARKING for 1 MILLION. The Government finds 1 person who is cold so they supply free heat for 10 MILLION. ALL YOU BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS, GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR COLLECTIVE A**ES. TAKE A LOOK AROUND AND YOU CAN'T MISS SEEING WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY. The hard working tax payers are being taxed to extinction.

  4. Yes my wife and i no longer give to all chaities either. VA and Cops. Thats it anymore.
    Sad we have been forced to stop caring and giving. But thats the way the Liberals want it.

  5. The other problem with giving to so many of the "non-profits" is the people who staff and run them end up getting most of the money!! Susan Komen, Bono's charity, United Way etc. etc very little of the donations actually make it to those in need! Give to the Salvation Army locally.

  6. I won't give a cent anymore to certain charities that just give things away to people. The recipients of free food from food pantries, free clothing, free school supplies for their children and free Christmas presents should be made to volunteer some time before recieving these freebies. We as enablers have created others who expect all these free things with no effort on their part.
    Most of us work for our things so why shouldn't they be expected to do something in exchange?
    I think those who want a box of food at a food pantry or those who eat in soup kitchens should plant and maintain a Community Vegetable garden to help feed them.
    BTW-Joe a Salisbury Community Garden could be a tradition started by you when you are elected mayor.

  7. Komen gives money to Planned Parenthood in the form of grants. Contrary to the lie Obama told, Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms. Komen has no business giving them any money whether you are pro choice or pro life. PP has not a thing to do with breast cancer diagnosis, treatment or cure.


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