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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Torture And Violation Of International Law

The European High Court of Human Rights condemned the secret extraordinary rendition programs of former President George W Bush, calling them both torture and a violation of international law. 

The case involved Khaled El-Masri, who was abducted in Macedonia in 2003 and handed over to CIA agents, who tortured El-Masri and locked him up in a secret detention facility in Afghanistan for four months. He was never charged with any crime. The court found that while he was in the custody of the CIA, El-Masri was beaten, drugged, shackled, and even sodomized. Sending terror suspects to third world nations to be tortured in secret facilities was a common practice during the Bush/Cheney Administration. But this ruling by the Human Rights court could bring a lot more accountability to European nations that assisted the United States with extraordinary rendition after 9/11. It's still not too late to prosecute Bush and Cheney for war crimes...even if it's in an international court.


  1. The human tendancy is to always dwell on the past.The real secret(that no one has figured out yet)is what happens from this time forward.Tomorrow and the days subsequent to tomorrow are not only the most important times of our lives,but the only times that we have any control over.True genius will be judged on how we handle our future.Let go of the past.

  2. lol that the second post I've seen tonight that feels like they are drinking or high.


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