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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Legalized Marijuana

President Obama has finally weighed in on what he plans to do with Colorado and Washington, now that those two states have legalized marijuana. 

In an interview set to air tonight on ABC, the President said his administration has "bigger fish to fry" than to use his Justice Department to crack down in the states. President Obama said, "It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it's legal." The President also said he's willing to have a conversation about changing how strict federal law is in regard to marijuana, now that states are legalizing it. Echoing that sentiment, the top Senator on the Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, floated the idea of softening federal laws prohibiting marijuana usage. President Obama was an aggressive drug warrior in his first term; let's hope he loosens up in his second term, and helps the states finally put a stake in the heart of Richard Nixon's failed so-called "War on Drugs."


  1. Philip Morris and Anheiser-Bushe don't like that idea

  2. Makes sense to me. He was a user of the weed and maybe still does. And, as you can see, the years of use has not affected his judgement.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Makes sense to me. He was a user of the weed and maybe still does. And, as you can see, the years of use has not affected his judgement.

    December 18, 2012 12:25 PM

    Hi judgement sucks. Perfect example of why not to do drugs.

  4. They are going to raid the legal growers.

  5. 111-Yep, and they'll go after legal dispensaries just like they did in CA. He said the same BS when he was in his first term and then went after medical marijuana like no President before.

  6. People are going to do what they want regardless. Some smoke just because it is ILLEGAL.

    I smoke it now and then to relieve pain and help me sleep and eat.

    Screw the D.E.A.,police, president and even the P.T.A.

    It helps me and I will use it when I want and when I can get some.

    It's not the big ole boogie monster some would have you believe, unless one makes it a monster in their life.

    This country has so many damn laws it's crazy. And most of them are just a way to generate money.

    Be an adult and think for yourselves for Pete's sake.

  7. 12:25 My statement about Obama's judgement was a joke. My point was he was an idiot before the weed, and the weed didn't change a thing. We are on the same page with this one.

  8. It ain't about the "weed", people. Its about TAXES. MONEY. Not your health. Not the safety of children. Not to direct resources to OTHER priorities. JUST money. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And we are desperate for money.


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