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Thursday, December 27, 2012

This Is A Real Man

Today my wife and I were at T.J.Max finishing up on some last minute shopping. Usually my wife and I walk into the store together. However today because of the cold I let her out at the door and park the car so she would not have to walk in the cold. As I entered the store "My Queen" greeted me with an efficacious smile. After shopping and paying for the stuff ( my wife hasn't worked in twenty years). I went to get the car while she waited inside for me. While walking to the car I over heard a man of the ebony hue cussing at his wife or significant other? He left her in the car and went into the store. As I looked into her eyes from a distance I could see the anguish and humiliation in her eyes as the kids played in the back seat. So I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage women abroad... You are to beautiful for a man to use derogative language when talking to you. You are no a "B", slut, nor a whore. You are a queen!!! The way a man talks and the way he treats you should enhance your position of royalty. If he isn't addressing you as a queen than he is not a king. Only kings can address a queen. My sister you are royalty. The bible says you are virtuous and your price is far above rubies. Stop letting fools talk to you. Fools are for the king and queens entertainment. For are only good for laughing at not relationship nor marriage. If no one has ever addressed you properly. Let me be the first. "Hello My Queen"!!!!! For you are a queen indeed.......


  1. All my ladies give this king a hug!!! He needs a nice home cooked meal now.

  2. What is this rambling?

  3. It means when you yell at a woman and call her names you are degrading a human being. You are less of a man for doing this. If she is good enough to have your children and keep your home she is good enough to be treated like a human being. If you don't get it maybe you should leave and she can find someone who will treat her like a Queen not a punching bag.
    Get it?

  4. I feel special already. Thank you to whoever wrote this.

  5. if she wants to be treated like a queen, quit acting like a deuce.

  6. I don't know the author of the original post, but I am certain he was raised in a home where the man respected his spouse and showed this man what a loving relationship looks like. He in turn will, by example, teach his children what a respectful relationship looks like. I am married to such a man and my children have seen this example. Now they in turn are either in respectful relationships or have the expectations of what one will look like. This is what we should all hold as the standard. Society benefits from this.

  7. The guy with the degrading language evidently had no good male role models when he was growing up or he would know how to treat a woman. And his mother may have had boyfriends who treated her that way, so to him that is normal. He's a product of his dysfunctional family life & there will plenty more being brought up that way.

  8. As we know not what the conversation was leading up to the fracas, I would say that nothing can set a man off like a woman can. And why does the ebony hue have to be entered into the conversation? A woman is a woman, and they by birth can not tolerate a happy man. Can I get an amen my brothers?

  9. The story is from Facebook. Another one of the many fictional stories with a "moral" to the story.

  10. I get the idea of the story,really I do. But I don't understand the necessity of the "ebony hue" remark or that his wife hasn't worked in 20 years. I bet his belly was full and his drawers were clean cause of her.However we do show people how to treat us. Oh yeah whoever wrote this little diddy is fulla shite! Cause if a husband and a wife don't have unkind words every now and then,then they just aren't normal!


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