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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Missing: $200M In Gas Receipts For NATO Aid In Afghanistan

The multinational NATO force in Afghanistan has declared that it spent more than $200 million to buy fuel for the Afghan Army in 2010 and 2011, but cannot locate any documents to substantiate the expense or show precisely where the money went, according to a special report by a government watchdog on Dec. 20.

As a result, the U.S. government is unable to “account for $201 million” worth of fuel purchases, said Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko, in a letter alerting two members of Congress to the missing documentation.

The letter is a follow-up to a warning by Sopko in September that coalition force personnel in Afghanistan had improperly shredded fuel purchase records that covered a five-year period, blocking the ability of auditors to assess how much fuel was actually used by the Afghani army and how much might have been lost or stolen.



  1. Went to obaama re election campain.

  2. The old saying "Money talks,bullshit walks". You can see it's just the opposite with Obama and those he put in charge.

  3. Nothing compared to the billions that went missing in Iraq during the previous administration. Oops. Didn't mean to bring that up.


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