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Monday, December 10, 2012

Shift Among African Americans Helped Pass Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage opponents counted African-American voters as allies, expecting them to vote in the general election to overturn legislation allowing same-sex couples to marry in Maryland.

Polls in the months prior to November’s referendum seemed to back them up, with African-Americans registering less support of Question 6 than whites.
But as the months wore on, opposition softened, especially in the face of endorsements from President Barack Obama and prominent entertainers, as well as a media campaign that included clergy, athletes and other public figures.



  1. Wow, I have been a social worker for the State of MD for 20 years. In that time I have met more African-American homosexual males than any other race, creed, or ethnicity. I have conducted thousands of interviews with African-American males and learned that homosexual tendencies begin during childhood; possible causes are lacking a father figure (duh). After what seems to be a series of misfortunate events the subjects are incarcerated and while there the homosexual tendencies are confirmed when relationships with other suitable males (African-American of course) are consummated. Being a heterosexual African-American male married for ten years with three male children I became curious as to the causes of the extremely high number of African-American male homosexuals and bi-sexuals and began an independent study with the help of some colleagues from UMES. All the data points in the direction of the systematic deterioratetion of the African-American family unit by under educating and incarcerating the male figures of the family component. Lets’ face it brothas and sistas we be gay when we locked up and sent away. We be gay upon release and need a place to stay. We be gay, we be gay, we be gay, but as long as momma still loves us we be OK.

  2. Give em a handout and they will vote for anything.

  3. monkey see monkey do.


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