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Monday, December 10, 2012

Family Grieves For Nurse Who Died After Royal Prank

The family members of a nurse who apparently killed herself after falling victim to a hoax call last week from an Australian radio station, patching two disc jockeys through to another nurse who revealed details about the health of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, have begun to tell of their devastation at the nurse’s death.

Benedict Barboza, the husband of the dead nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, posted on his Facebook page, according to The Daily Mail: “I am devastated with the tragic loss of my beloved wife Jacintha in tragic circumstances. She will be laid to rest in Shirva, India.” Saldanha, who died on Friday, was the mother of two teenage children, a boy and a girl.


  1. Something tells me that the royal family had something to do with it, just like princess Dianne...?

  2. pranking is not all it's cracked up to be

  3. why would you think that?

  4. It was just a prank gees. If this is the worst thing that has ever happened to the poor nurse than she lived a great life.

  5. 12:18-My thoughts exactly.two families to steer way clear of are the Kennedy's and the British Royal Family.Both appear to be above suspicion.

  6. She's Indian. It's an honor thing. She was dishonored to the point of disparity.

  7. those dj's did NOTHING wrong, it was a harmless, amusing little joke with no intent to harm anyone. that nurse must have been a very unstable and highly fragile fruitcake to do something that asinine. she's the one who killed somebody for no good reason, not the pranksters.

  8. those dj's did NOTHING wrong, it was a harmless, amusing little joke

    They lied and impersonated someone else to obtain private information.

    You sound like a politician or a cop.

  9. this is 4:13 responding to 5:00, how on earth could you make a statement like "THEY LIED AND IMPERSONATED SOMEONE ELSE TO OBTAIN PRIVATE INFORMATION" and then claim that I sound like a cop!? that little pile of drivel that you deposited here sounds like it came from a book called cop-speak for dummies. I am a defender of LIBERTY....and you are merely a DOOFUS.

  10. 5:42 PM

    Because it's the same thing cops do and condone, as evidenced by your admission.

    Defender of liberty my ass. Whose liberty, your own?

    Copspeak for dummies eh. Is that what they teach at the academy now?

  11. 5:42 PM

    You think the prank call was harmless and YOU call someone else a DOOFUS? lmao

    You're delusional


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