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Monday, December 31, 2012

Same Sex Weddings Planned After Midnight

Maryland's same sex marriage law takes effect at midnight tonight, and same sex wedding ceremonies are planned across the state in the first minutes of 2013.

Havre de Grace City Councilman Joe Smith told WBAL News he will marry his partner of 25 years in a private ceremony.

Smith says he always believed that same sex marriage would become law in Maryland, but he says he was amazed at how fast lawmakers and then voters approved the issue this year.



  1. Who gives a ship. Nobody cares. While O'Malley will have us focus on gay marriage, he will increase gasoline taxes. This WILL HAPPEN unless people wake up.

  2. Maryland has the most cases of HIV per capita in the US too...just sayin'.

  3. As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, etc.

    At least this time we won't be destroyed by rainfall. But something is coming.


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