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Monday, December 31, 2012

Cornel West Calls Obama A 'Coward' For Favoring 'Vanilla' Kids Of Newtown Over 'Chocolate' Kids Of Chicago


  1. Obama favors no one , he only favors himself.

  2. To late to wake up now black people . This is what happens when you can't think for yourselves. Listing to fools like Jessie Jackson and the fake rev Al will do nothing for the black people. Theses fools make big money to keep you inslaved to the goverment and you fall for it time and time again. Now they are going to take your guns . Think about this where dose most crime take place ? Who needs to be armed the most to protect there families? That's right the black communities. But look what he did for Chicago more blacks dying every day because they can't protect themslves. I see how much love he has for the black people. But look at it this way u got u a free Obama phone.

  3. The state run media only covers subjects that push the globalist aristocracy's agenda. He doesn't care about the loss of life, merely an illuminati puppet show.

  4. 9:30-Hilarious but true.Adding insult to injury is the fact that they did not learn in the first 4 years.What's the chance of them getting it now?


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