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Monday, December 03, 2012


While progressives attack the Bush tax cuts and President Barack Obama wants to let them expire for families making over $250,000, figures released by the IRS show the wealthiest 1% actually paid more in taxes after the Bush tax cuts were passed, and the bottom half of taxpayers actually paid less in income taxes.

According to IRS data, the “richest 1% paid $84 billion more in taxes in 2007 than they had in 2000,” a 23% increase. In addition, their “share of the overall income tax burden grew, climbing from 37% in 2000 to 40% in 2007.” All this occurred even though their rates went down. 



  1. GW was a naughty Replican. Really though did the study factor in the rediculous pace of revanue growth from 2000 through 2007 before the bottom fell out? This is a moronic article.

  2. If GW was so naughty, why the "ridiculous" revenue growth???

  3. G.W. will be blamed for the outcome of the next century by bleeding heart liberals. What a bunch of panseys!
    Take some responsibility for your own actions. The current situation is al yours Richard Cranium. look Obama gets some concession today and still turns his nose. I say lets go over the so called cliff and see who gets responsibility for that. All he wants is a open path to keep spending and drive us brole! Liberal idiots can't see for the sun in thier face.

  4. Seems to me common sense says that when the rich saw their income take off while the regular folks saw minimal gains, of course the tax burden will differ. Cut taxes even more for the middle and you'll see consumer demand take off. The rich can pay more and will invest as long as their products are flying off the shelf.

  5. “richest 1% paid $84 billion more in taxes in 2007 than they had in 2000,”
    Richest 1% made more money by 2007.

  6. Thanks for the rest of the story 9:33.


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