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Sunday, December 02, 2012


The bankrupt city of San Bernardino, Calif. is so cash-strapped it has been forced to slash public safety budgets just to stay afloat. That includes downsizing the police force.

During a city council meeting this week, Jim Penman, the city Attorney of San Bernardino, told residents to “lock your doors and load your guns” because they will need to start protecting themselves due to the diminishing number of cops on the streets, CBS Los Angeles reports. It is the perfect example of why self-reliance is so important — because when the government can’t protect you anymore, you have be able to protect yourself and your family.

Penman has been criticized by some for his brutally honest statement but he is standing by it.



  1. But they will STILL charge you with murder for blowing away the 3 Crips who kciked your door down and were intent on killing you. Kill them anyway, and then start shooting at the cops who come to protect the Crips from YOU, the honest citizen. Thats the system we are in. Like it or not, keep loaded weapons within reach all the time. That way, if anyone gets hurt, you won't be the LAST one.

  2. Let the Illegal immigrants work the police force.

  3. Better do that everywhere in the country because we are heading down the bad road to no return.

  4. blowing away the 3 Crips who kciked your door down and were intent on killing you. Kill them anyway, and then start shooting at the cops who come to protect the Crips from YOU, the honest citizen. Thats the system we are in. Like it or not, keep loaded weapons within reach all the time. That way, if anyone gets hurt, you won't be the LAST one.

    December 2, 2012 7:47 PM

    I agree with you. And I'll go one further.

    Since us older folks is more or less responsible for the shape our country is in, in way of doing things or allowing others to do things,(as in electing them), I suggest we be the ones to fix it.

    We are older. We have lived our lives, mostly. Let us be the ones on the front line with our weapons and take out the ones who do this country harm.

    I would much rather die shooting a corrupt cop or politician or thug than sit idly by and see my sons and daughters take over this crap that we are leaving behind.

    Someone has to make the sacrifice and it won't be the ones currently in power.

    We either put them there or couldn't stop them being put in power. And no, I'm not just talking about Obama.

    I would much rather be remembered as a patriot who at least tried to do the right thing than live and take a portion of my kids paycheck to survive. (taxes, ss. etc).

    Call me crazy but that's how I feel.

    Now I'm going to take my meds and go to bed. lol. jk. I'm more serious than you know.

    I'm sure the powers that be will not be bothered by taking anyone's paycheck.

  5. Hell'o comrades , as you know we are now a communist nation.
    It's not too bad , at least right now . Obama will make this transition very slow so people won't know what's happening.
    It's been interesting at least ,
    how did you raise your children?
    The flower children will realize how they started this .
    I feel so free , at least for the present.
    Hitler has nothing compared to this man obama , he is satanic and has the mark of the devil.
    We will be damned!

  6. It sounds like here. But code enforcement on private citizens is way more important than ramping up the police department.

  7. 8:39. You are not crazy, although the liberal ninnies will try to paint you as such. Listen to the dialogue. Heck, watch the TV shows and read the hundreds of books detailing the preparations sane people are making because this track we are on can only lead to ONE result. Sooner or later, people are going to say "ok, pay me" and then what? We print MORE worthless paper and give them that? China is already angry about the dollar's collapsing value. Keep buying guns and ammo. While it's still legal.

  8. 7:37 AM

    Thanks but dang, there goes my defense lol


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