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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Clinton Ignores Islamist Coup in Egypt, Blasts Israel for Building Houses

What’s worse, hiring squads of paid rapists to sexually assault female protesters speaking out against an Islamist coup in Egypt or building houses in Israel?

If you already know the rules of the game, then you also know that the severity of an offense is not judged by an ethical or legal standard, but by how much it offends Muslims.

The Muslim Brotherhood could cook and eat every protesters in Tahrir Square and Obama would just play another round of golf while the State Department mutters inanities. But when Israel builds a doghouse in territory that a terrorist group claims is part of their state, then the State Department will spring into action to condemn it



  1. Un FN real...This country is BOWING down to ISLAM what the hell is going on with this country, does anyone remember 9-11-1...???

  2. 8:24. Sadly Americans woke up for about a minute, yawned, and promptly went back to sleep.

    Let's see - there were 4 major terrorist attacks during the Clinton years (that would be the 90's for those who are too young to remember) and then a huge one on Sept. 11 right here on our shores.

    We're about due.

  3. 8:24 PM
    we have already apologized for that day.

  4. Wait till some freak lights off a dirty bomb and you'll find out what all those FEMA camps are for. I think its just a matter of time.

  5. I remember 9/11 clearly and the attacks through the Cling-on years. And I and only in my early twenties!I a very disappointed in the way this Government is treating issues. More worried about middle east affairs then here at home, but then again the price of gas could be higher! Clinton needs to get out of politics including barry, reid, and the dumbocrat idiots. Just influencing the muslim plan is a very bad Idea. we should be helping Isreal, a true ally than these idiots


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