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Monday, December 10, 2012


I was invited to go and see Lincoln last night. Ugh. What a piece of trash. It uses every trick in the Hollywood filmmaker’s book to manipulate your emotions and color your perception of Lincoln and his actions to put him in a positive light. Yes, the screenwriters touch on Lincoln’s unconstitutional seizing of war powers, but the film clearly intends you to believe that it was due to his motives to end slavery once and for all.

Spielberg does it all: soaring music at the right moments; the use of light around Lincoln when the 13th Amendment is passed; in most of the images of Union soldiers they are black; the Confederate peace delegates appear small and sniveling; throughout the movie it is remarked about Lincoln how much he is loved ad nauseum; at the news of his death we see his young son screaming as a reaction. All of Hollywood’s tools are employed to make him appear great. One of my wife’s friends was crying at the end. Leni Riefenstahl would be proud.



  1. Don't waste your money on the obama Lincoln movie go see the bin-laden movie coming out, the white house dosn't want you to see it.

  2. But it got your $10 as intended.

  3. Movie was great and for anyone knowing history, this movie was almost dead on! You probably had to sit next to a bunch of cry babies making you uncomfortable and you just pissed and moan about everything.

  4. Read, Read, Read, do your own research about history. For God's sake it's a movie, your not in a time machine looking at the actual history of Lincoln. Movies are for entertainment, If you didn't like the movie fine, however many people did, get a life!

  5. 10:41 10:51 11:22... I wouldn't pay 1 cent to see that SH/T movie, Lincoln is the reason why we have these P.O.S in this country in the first place, AKA the 47% gimme gimme gimme generation that do not contribute,so you keep working for them and others like them.

  6. Its entertainment. Plain and simple. If you want to know the real story, pick up a book and read about it. Its probably no more accurate than the movie "Patton" was. We tend to make "heroes" out of every key historic figure. Just wait until the "Reagan" movie comes out. That'll be a whopper too.

  7. DWI-Deal With It
    It is a movie and if you don't like the historical portrayal because you don't agree with it, that is your right

  8. 9:03 i cant wait until Sharia law comes to America and covers up your wife your mother your sister your nieces your cousins faces up and have no say in this country then lets see if you and you family can DEAL WITH IT (DWI)...


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