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Saturday, December 08, 2012


'There are numerous Revolutionary Guard cells' inside borders
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is alive and well in the U.S. and the country’s law enforcement officials ignore them at their peril, according to former U. S. Air Force officer Steven O’Hern.

O’Hern says that the Revolutionary Guard, long an influential factor in the radical Islamic regime in Iran, does most of its surveillance and intelligence gathering through its proxy force, Hezbollah, considered by many to be a terror group.



  1. You know something! I'm so sick of hearing about these waco's.
    Just do it.
    Homeland security stirring this crap up to get more money to spend. If they were serious in making us safe they would close the borders.

  2. All of this is a ploy to try to remove ALL personal firearms in the us so that Commie pres get get his way. If we had all of these so called cells here they could easily eliminate them! Its called propaganda aimed solely at gun control and its being pushed through with a ton of help from the white house.

  3. We do have these cells here, getting stronger everyday. And yet our government chooses not to destroy them, why.?

    Instead our government goes after the 2nd Amendment RIGHT of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Again, why is our government anti-Bill of Rights?

    God help us when Obama fills the Supreme Court with at least 3 Bill of Rights hating justices during the next 4 years. It would take a constitutional amendment from the legislative branch to overturn the the 2nd amendment; that;s not going to happen! But a corrupt Supreme Court could determine that federal government laws banning everything but a single shot BB gun for private citizens is constitutional and does not violate the Right to Bear Arms.

    The framers of the constitution were very clear. The primary purpose of the 2nd amendment was not for hunting or protection from criminals. Those are important rights, but their primary concern for the right of average citizens to Keep and Bear Arms was so the public could defend themselves from their own government should the need arise. Remember, the founding fathers knew and ANYONE with any intelligence knows that ANY government is not a friend of the people. Governments are necessary, but they are not a greater good, they are a necessary evil.


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