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Saturday, December 08, 2012

Call The Bluff

I damn near fell of my chair (laughing) yesterday watching Timmy Geithner on CNBC. When asked if the President was willing to go over the fiscal cliff if the tax RATE on the top 2% were not increased, the Treasury Secretary snapped back, “Absolutely”.

Maria Bartiromo was also floored by this; she spent the next hour telling the world she thought Geithner’s position was clear evidence that the US would be going over the cliff. She had big shot Senator, Richard Shelby (R- Al) on air. She showed him the clip with Geithner making an ass of himself; the Senator looked like he had swallowed a wad of tobacco while he watched.

I was convinced that Geithner had made a blunder, a slip of the tongue that would later be clarified or retracted. Not the case. Last evening, Treasury put out a Blog about what a great job Tim did on TV (link) [8]. I took this as a confirmation that Geithner did not make a gaffe on air, his words were carefully chosen. When he said he was “Absolutely” certain that falling off the cliff was in our future if tax rates don’t go up, he meant exactly what he said.

Given that Geithner will be out of his job running Treasury soon, I’m sure that he went on TV with the blessings of Obama, and he had a scripted message from the President. There will be no negotiations on tax rates, the top rate is going to 40%, or we will be sailing off the cliff. What an idiotic bargaining position.

At this point, I don’t think there is any significant opposition to increasing tax revenue from America’s wealthiest folks; the question is how to achieve it. Raising marginal rates is one option; cutting deductions can accomplish exactly the same thing. Geithner and Obama will not consider adjusting deductions; the reasons are a mystery to me. It appears that the President wants to “punish” some folks rather than to find a compromise that achieves the desired results.

So I agree with Bartiromo, unless the President backs off, we are going cliff diving in 20 days.


  1. So much for Obama reaching across the aisle and working with Republicans. But then I knew he was lying. And the Dems won't even listen to their so-called economic experts. Anything, to blame the Republicans and cause them to look like the bad guys. Wake up, America!

  2. We went off a cliff on election day. Our country has been on the fast track downhill for the last four years and still 51% voted for more of the same. Let me know how that works out for you.

    Unfortunatly, it would be impossible to charge 51% with treason. It's hard for me to believe that those voters were all fooled by Obama. I now think an awlful lot of people want our country to fail. Makes no sense...we had a pretty good thing here. Now there is an assault on the American Dream.

  3. I used to care.

    Now I pray for the revolution to start.

    It's clear after the last six years that the two parties in charge are two sides of the same coin.

    And our election system is broken beyond repair.

    Our resulting society is now half or better takers, not makers, so the voting electorate is going down the bad road.

    I cannot care any more.

  4. I am a republican and see no reason why the wealthy should not pay a bit more in taxes.

  5. BTW, if they start to limit deductions instead then the middle class will olse their deductions. So this will not help us middle class citizens.


  6. >>>I am a republican and see no reason why the wealthy should not pay a bit more in taxes.<<<

    Well Jim, I am a republican too, and I don't see why meaningful spending cuts can't accompany those tax increases.

  7. 6:02 PM

    You really think that was an honest election?

    We have become a third world country, only richer.


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