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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Dwayne Gray, a Willards Firefighter and Wicomico County school bus driver was also arrested for the following below. It's been reported this is related to the same person from Parkside the Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy was recently arrested for. 

Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Criminal System
Case Number: 22K12000903
Title: State of Maryland vs Dwayne Thomas Gray
Case Type: IndictmentFiling Date:12/10/2012
Case Status: Open/Active
Defendant Information(Each Alias, Address, and Attorney for the Defendant is displayed)
Name: Gray, Dwayne Thomas

Race: Caucasian
Sex: MHeight:60'0"Weight:290DOB:10/29/1961

Address: 36871 Old Ocean City Road
City: WillardsState:MDZip Code:21874

Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: Initial AppearanceNotice Date:12/17/2012
Event Date: 01/04/2013Event Time:09:00 AM
Result: Result Date:

Charge and Disposition Information(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)

Charge No: 1CJIS Code:1 0173Statute Code:27.35C.(b).(1)

Charge Description: Child Abuse:Custodian

Offense Date From: 06/21/1997To: 06/20/1998
Arrest Tracking No: 13-7022-00050-0Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 2CJIS Code:2 1103Statute Code:27.463

Charge Description: Rape Second Degree

Offense Date From: 06/21/1997To: 06/20/1998
Arrest Tracking No: 13-7022-00050-0Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 3CJIS Code:2 3600Statute Code:27.464A

Charge Description: Sex Offense Second Degree

Offense Date From: 06/21/1997To: 06/20/1998
Arrest Tracking No: 13-7022-00050-0Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 4CJIS Code:3 3600Statute Code:27.464B

Charge Description: Sex Offense Third Degree

Offense Date From: 06/21/1997To: 06/20/1998
Arrest Tracking No: 13-7022-00050-0Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:

Related Person Information(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Name:ABBA Bail Bonds
Party Type:Bond Remitter/Bondsman

Address:6506 Coastal Highway

City: Ocean CityState:MDZip Code:21842

Name:Seneca Insurance Company, Inc.
Party Type:Bond Remitter/Bondsman

Address:160 Water Street

City: New YorkState:NYZip Code:10038

Name:State Of Maryland
Party Type:Plaintiff
City: State:Zip Code:
Attorney(s) for the Related Person

Name: Correa, Esq, Pamela
Address: 102 Court Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803

Document Tracking(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Motion No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 12/10/2012Close Date:12/11/2012
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Attorney Appearance
Pamela M. Correa

Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 12/10/2012Close Date:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Criminal Indictment
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 12/10/2012Close Date:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: State's Disclosure/Request for Discovery
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 12/11/2012Close Date:12/11/2012
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Line Correcting Defendant's Address on Indictment
Defendant's Correct Address is: 36871 Old Ocean City Road, Willards, MD, 21874

Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 12/11/2012Close Date:12/11/2012
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Warrant Issued-Criminal
(Warrant forwarded to State's Attorney for service)

Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 12/12/2012Close Date:12/12/2012
Document Name: Sheriff's Return - Warrant, Served 12/11/12
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 12/12/2012Close Date:12/12/2012
Document Name: Sealed/Secret Status Removed on 12/12/12
Doc No./Seq No.: 11/0
File Date: 12/13/2012Close Date:12/13/2012
Document Name: Sheriff's Return - Warrant, Served 12/11/12

Doc No./Seq No.: 12/0
File Date: 12/17/2012Close Date:12/17/2012
Document Name: Criminal Assignment Notice
Doc No./Seq No.: 13/0
File Date: 12/14/2012Close Date:
Party Type: Bond Remitter/BondsmanParty No.:1
Document Name: Corporate Bond in the Amount of $100,000.00 Posted by ABBA Bail Bonds and
Release, filed. (Release Date - 12/11/12)

Doc No./Seq No.: 14/0
File Date: 12/17/2012Close Date:12/17/2012
Document Name: Certified Mail Receipt for 01/04/13
Doc No./Seq No.: 15/0
File Date: 12/17/2012Close Date:12/17/2012
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Summons Issued


  1. that dirt ball.its been a long time coming.he used to go after young girls at the cadet dances.had a couple fathers ready to kill him.heard he took pictures of his step daughter while she was getting out of the shower. didnt know he was a bus driver.makes me wonder if his boss is a fire member with him.i know willards fire has a couple members who own buses.if so why hire him knowing what kind of guy he is. i would take the whole bus contract away.

  2. Doesn't he help out on Fire in the Hole?

  3. I would like to know the accusers name. She is no longer a minor, and she should be listed as the accuser. I always find it suspicious when people come foward years later. And now there are 2 she was sleeping with? Any more?

    1. Probably because she was a child and feared him. Why does it matter who this woman chooses to sleep with? It is known that children who are sexually abused many times end up very permiscuous. Being sexually abused as a kid is going to mess up a otherwise healthy minded person.

  4. To the first person to leave a comment does it matter who hired him to drive a school bus? You want their contract pulled? For what? Prior to being employed in Wicomico County a bus driver must first be fingerprinted and pass an extensive background check. He obviously did not have a criminal background or he wouldn't have been hired. These background checks are not performed by the bus contractor, they are performed by an outside source through the board of education. All the buses are equipped with three cameras that record directly to a DVR on the bus. No one has access to those recordings. The DVR and the recordings are in a locked box. The transportation department staff are the only people with keys to that box. Let me make this perfectly clear, I am not defending Dwayne Gray. If he is guilty he should absolutely go to jail, but to insinuate the contractor knew and should be punished is absolutely ridiculous! Still you went a step further and cast a shadow across the contractors who do volunteer at Willards Fire Company without knowing if he is actually employed by one of them. Gossip of this nature is dangerous. Until you know all the facts keep your opinion in regards to this matter to yourself.

    1. All I asked is if he was employed by a fellow member that owns a school bus. If so that member knew of the past of Mr. gray.why take a chance if he was guilty or not. Everyone knows about him and the cadet dances. and I have found he was employed by jay esham.and was let go pending the outcome of this. So yes I would want his contract pulled.If mr.esham knew their was a past history guilty or not,because even though Mr. gray wasn't found guilty us Willards people really know what happened at those dances,he gambled with our children.not forgivable. And mr.esham as a member most certainly knew about Grays past.and as for know my facts....believe I knew the answers already.I know alot more than you would think.

  5. Mr Esham has nothing to do with this. The Board Of Education does an extensive back ground check. Nothing was found. Just because you think something happened doesn't mean it really did. The truth to the story at the dance was the girl was in the back room with 4 other guys helping them out and Dwayne walked in. I am not saying nothing happened after that but thats how it happened. But Mr Esham has NOTHING to do with this.

  6. no batter no batter no batter swing

  7. This is the same slanderous girl that is the "victim" in the case against the ex-cop. WTH

  8. and there's a hell alot of cops that have had sex with her WHILE she was married to a cop

  9. to blame the victim is a completely normal reaction for a perv.

  10. Word on the street is that former Deputy West's soon to be ex-wife is the one who got this all stirred up! Apparently she isn't very smart because now that he is unemployed how is he going to afford child support or the mortgage on the nice big house they built in recent years? Smart move Mindy, real smart. If he is guilty he needs to go to jail obviously but maybe this victim didn't want it out there for all to know, maybe she was getting over it now many years later. However as for Mr.Gray, his charges seem much worse with a rape charge on there! Sounds to me she maybe a willing participant with Deputy West maybe not with this Mr.Gray! I heard he has been suspended from the fire dept pending the outcome, they offered him to take a leave of absence but he refused! How is he so dumb to think they would let him up to the department around children etc...Smart move on their part.

  11. Anonymous said...
    All I asked is if he was employed by a fellow member that owns a school bus. If so that member knew of the past of Mr. gray.why take a chance if he was guilty or not. Everyone knows about him and the cadet dances. and I have found he was employed by jay esham.and was let go pending the outcome of this. So yes I would want his contract pulled.If mr.esham knew their was a past history guilty or not,because even though Mr. gray wasn't found guilty us Willards people really know what happened at those dances,he gambled with our children.not forgivable. And mr.esham as a member most certainly knew about Grays past.and as for know my facts....believe I knew the answers already.I know alot more than you would think.

    So if YOU Mr Anonymous KNEW Dwayn did something at these dances and did nothing about it, then YOU are guilty of not reporting a crime. And if you know so much why havn't you stepped up? I think you have some kind of grudge here and dont trust your word.

    1. Believe me brother .me and my family tried to get Dwayne out then and on many other occasions. He has been nothing but a sore to our company.

  12. knew dwayne since grade school elavator then and still is now 40 plus years has been stuck between 1st and 2nd floor .his parents are really nice ppl and have tried there entire life to help and better him.i hope this does not drive there health down the drain.

  13. I've never heard so much ignorance. Look at you people blaming the victim! Maybe now you can see why people don't tell. I commend her for stepping forward and doing what is right. If this was something made up by this woman, then shame on her and she will be the one in trouble.....but to slander her on here is wrong. So, if she is cheating on her husband or sleeping with someone else's husband, it doesn't surprise me. People that have been sexually abused develop their own self damaging behaviors.

  14. What is it that every time a person that is a volunter fireman gets in trouble there are always a bunch of jerks that want to cast blame on the fire dept.?

  15. I normally stay out of this but I have to say to 6:23, I've heard enough about this particular individual and there's no way you can convince me the majority of the department didn't know something was wrong.

  16. The Fire Department did the right things when they found out about the stuff at the dance. The state police were contacted and they didn't have anything to arrest him on. So the department did the right thing. Not all members are bad people. Dont let one person ruin it for the people who actually are trying and doing the right thing.

  17. I heard that this all came to light in the victim's therapy session. Regardless, both men were wrong, if the allegations are true. If I'm doing the math correctly, she would have been about 13 when Dwayne had contact with her. Also of interest , is that up until this past week, the victim and Dwayne were friends of one another on Facebook.

  18. Anonymous said...
    I've never heard so much ignorance. Look at you people blaming the victim! Maybe now you can see why people don't tell. I commend her for stepping forward and doing what is right. If this was something made up by this woman, then shame on her and she will be the one in trouble.....but to slander her on here is wrong. So, if she is cheating on her husband or sleeping with someone else's husband, it doesn't surprise me. People that have been sexually abused develop their own self damaging behaviors.

    December 19, 2012 5:16 PM

    Seems all her sexual behavior were on her own. She instigated the sex. And liked multiple people. She liked to be told what to do.
    Is this true? Do you kow it isnt? She obviously had consenting sex for a year if that is what she is allegating. About more than one person.
    I dont think at the time she was afraid of anything.
    What is her name? She needs to come out so that those that really know those involved can dispute the real facts.


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