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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Court Rules Peace Activists Can Sue The U.S. Military For Infiltration

In a potentially precedent-setting decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that a Guild lawyer’s challenge to military spying on peace activists can proceed. The ruling marks the first time a court has affirmed people’s ability to sue the military for violating their First and Fourth Amendment rights.

“This has never been done before,” said NLG member attorney Larry Hildes, who is handling the case. “The U.S. government has spied on political dissidents throughout history and this particular plot lasted through two presidencies, but never before has a court said that we can challenge it the way we have.”


1 comment:

  1. You mean we don't have enough FBI, Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, and thousands (!) -yes, thousands -- of police departments to "infiltrate" PEACE advocacy groups that we ALSO need the MILITARY to "infiltrate" them, too? How apropos.....or ironic. Depends on your viewpoint and, I suppose, upon how much time you spend polishing your Nazi medals. I wish SOMEONE in this country would say how much is enough, or that "we, the people" have HAD enough of our photographs being taken and stored, our DNA collected and stored, our phone calls monitored (and stored), our e-mails recorded, our movements tracked by drones and sensors, police stopping INNOCENT citizens in the VERY popular "Stop and Frisk" programs, citizens getting "detained" for "evaluation", etc. No wonder China LAUGHS at our feeble protests at THEIR suppression efforts. We have them beat hands down. Keep voting. I'll keep buying guns. See which one works out in the long run....


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