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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Accident Involving Sheriff's Deputy

A Sheriff's Deputy was just in an accident on Rt 50 & Naylor Mill Road. More to come.


  1. did someone try to beat the traffic?

  2. No, he was calling his girlfriend on his cell phone to tell her that his wife was coming home early, so the date is off. Then, being distracted, but well trained, he looked up and saw the red light. OOPS!

  3. A brand new charger ruined... good job!

  4. They need a pay raise. But i bet he/she was on a cell phone.

  5. At least he is allowed to talk on his hand held cell phone for "official business".

  6. He heard there was a buy one get one free donut at Dunkin Donuts!

  7. Imclain obviously has a history of arrests for breaking the law and blames the police.

  8. cops fault but they will pin it on the other driver... mark my words...

  9. Who says it's the officers fault? Typical pointless assumptions.

  10. History of arrests??? LOL! I'm sure that every cop who reads this site has looked me up and is looking for a reason to GIVE me an arrest record. Good luck. I just have a great antipathy to people who claim to be "serving" the people, but its NEVER the person in front of them. Public Masters, not "servants". Who violate every law on the books, beat and kill at will, and serve as revenue "enforcers", much like the Mafia. THAT'S why there are THOUSANDS of court cases documenting THAT and thousands of video's (don't believe your lying eyes, is what the police tell you) showing unarmed and defenseless people being beaten, maced, body slammed, night sticked, and murdered by those same "we are heroes" thugs. I know you cops hate the facts and REALLY hate it when its on video. But the truth is the truth. So, answer the question NO COP has yet to answer --- no cop! none! -- "what did YOU (sworn to uphold the law) do when YOU witnessed another cop breaking the law?" I'm waiting, you sissies.

  11. "what did YOU (sworn to uphold the law) do when YOU witnessed another cop breaking the law?" I'm waiting, you sissies.

    December 20, 2012 10:21 AM

    Yeah, I'd like to know the answer to that myself.

  12. Stop being such a cop hater! Looser!

    December 20, 2012 10:43 AM

    What have I told you morons over and over?

    If you're going to call names, nit pick, challenge facts or whatever, at least make sure you spell check.

    Your comment will be tighter not looser and not as many will think you are a loser.


  13. Joe, I am waiting for a name and to see if he or she has a brand new car waiting for their return!

  14. wow, there are some rude, hateful, angry people on this blog....I'm not a cop, married to a cop, friend of a cop or even personally know a cop, but I sure respect the job they do, and while I realize there may be some bad apples in the bunch, I believe the majority of people who work in public service are in it for the right reason...to serve and protect the people. Get a life naysayers, try to find some good in people.

  15. 10:58 AM

    Don't get out much do ya?

  16. One cop gets into one accident and all of the negative comments come out. They are called accidents for a reason. Get a life!

  17. We wonder why kids are disrespectful - while all the while adults are trashing the police before they know the facts - So mant people who comment on this site are acting like idiots

  18. You folks who complain about the decline of society ought to look at yourselves. I can't imagine talking about a "first responder" this way.

  19. The deputy was female and she was at fault. Her lights were not on and she didn't yield to the truck, which had the right of way.

  20. Amen 10:58. You're telling it like it is.

  21. Police spend 40 plus hours a week driving cars. An accident will eventually happen. No big deal.

  22. To the victom: Hows that non matching paint grab you now.

  23. Who cares. No one was hurt. Accidents happen.

  24. I am really upset. You people with all your stupuid jokes about police. I bet they will be the second one you call when you need help. The first being God. My friends and family go out there to protect you and put their life on the line and you don't appreciate it. Break the law and you piss and moan because YOU got caught. But, if someone hurt you, stole from you, etc., YOU want the cops.
    What do you do at work that you shouldn't? Oh and to some of those who don't work cause we are paying you to stay home and cause trouble.

    Kiss Off

  25. In the future, they probably shouldn't give a new car to a person that crashed into a school bus before or crashed into a persons garage when arriving at their house on a call or a person who almost shoots another person accidentally with a taser?

  26. This was the second accident on the same day that a sheriffs car was totaled. Tax money goes poof. Thanks Mike Lewis. Good going. Maybe if you spent time at the police station when citizens call you with concerns you would care more about what goes on in our county.

  27. I am sick over some of these comments. Some people never cease to amaze me. If you were not involved or witnessed the ACCIDENT, then what you saying is just assumptions and speculations. I personally know the deputy involved and she risks her life every day she goes to work to save yours. If you have nothing kind to say then say nothing at all. I sure hope that you never need the assistance from any of these first responders that you are so quick to trash talk.The only thing I can do for ignorant people in this world is pray for them because only God can help them now.

  28. The only thing she she put on the line was cloths drying... thanks for flushing our tax money down the poop shoot!

  29. God can only help that car now.

  30. Ridiculous. Trust me, I know how much officers are on the road, and it's true that they are bound to be involved in more accidents than the average citizen, but this is just a bit reckless. New car, too. Nice! Maybe it was too much car for her?

  31. The person thats posting the positive comments is the same cop that was in the crash.

  32. Hey good job ML giving this one a car! Dummy.

  33. I was wondering where my $50000 in tax money was going...

  34. I think maybe she needs to consider early retirement. Might be safer for everybody; those of us on the road and those officers she works with!

  35. Don't worry, they just busted 71 people and seized over $600,000 in cash and assets. The whole police force will be cruising around in brand new cars.

  36. Depend, after the settlement and giving her a new new new new car they'll be broke again.

  37. Imclaim hides behind these badges, along with his/her keyboard. Without police, you would no longer be here. Ignorant people, in combination with a big mouth, would be killed very quickly if we lived in anarchy; and we would live in anarchy without laws. Laws are just old words without Law Enforcement. Imclaim should be the first to thank police for keeping me alive!

  38. In related news, a cop ate lunch, and another cop went to the bathroom. Oh yea, they are human.


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