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Monday, November 05, 2012


Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) issued a demand that a special prosecutor be appointed and an investigation be conducted into the actions of Barack Obama's administration as they pertain to Benghazi and the cover-up that has followed.

SOS is the same Navy SEALS group that had its meme pulled down off Facebook last weekend. That meme highlighted the way Obama relied on the SEALS when it was convenient for him (when it came to killing Osama bin Laden), but he ignored their calls for backup when it wasn't (when the Benghazi consulate was being overrun). 
With the release of a demand for an investigation today, SOS is upping the ante. The group of Special Ops is going so far as to suggest Obama's actions -- and inactions -- in Benghazi may constitute "high crimes and misdemeanors," and thus merit the pursuit of charges from the Congress of the United States.
Brigadier General Joe Stringham, USA (ret.), Special Forces/Ranger and Chairman of the Special Operations Speaks PAC put it thus: 
It remains uncertain if the tragedy in Benghazi was caused or compounded by Obama's reckless inaction, gross negligence, or incompetent leadership. What is clear is that the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, and Former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are on Obama's bloody hands. 



  1. obama was watching it on TV (!) as it happened and he STILL can't say what happened there? 7 hours! and he left those men to die. Turned to his staff and asked "when does the plane leave for Vegas?"...

  2. ain't that the truth lmclain. I'm still getting a laugh out of the fools who fell hook line and sinker for the "spontaneous reaction to a video." I was not fooled for one second but I know a two bit liar when I see one. No one including Obama can pull the wool over my eyes.


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