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Monday, November 05, 2012

On 'Speeding'

The government cares about revenue – and control. It posts speed limits accordingly.

At best – that is, assuming benevolent if condescending intent – they are posted based on the least common denominator: The abilities (rather, the lack thereof) of the most inept Clovers possessed of a license to drive. If one old lady can’t handle a curve without reducing her speed by 20 MPH – or execute a safe passing maneuver without needing an entire mile of perfectly straight road to do the deed – then everyone else must be compelled to operate at her level, rather than expect the old lady (and Clovers, generally) to up-rate their skills to an acceptable level.

The corollary of this dumbing-down of expectations is enforcement based not on actual harm done – or even plausibly threatened – bur rather on the fact of a statutory violation (as is true of 90 percent of law in this county today).

Thus people are routinely ticketed for no reason other than their having exceed an arbitrarily set – and often deliberately under-posted – speed limit.


  1. Engineer the roads for 70-80MPH, then raise revenue by making the speed limits 45-55. And for collecting revenue the state WANTS but can't get ohterwise, the police call themselves HEROES and give each other awards (because no one else will, anymore than the German citizenry wanted to pass out "certificates" and plaques for "outstanding performance" to the Gestapo). It's hard to argue with ARMED agents of the government intent on taking as much money as they possibly can...just PLEASE stop with the "protecting and serving" propaganda. The police are the only ones who still believe THAT.

  2. The police are the only ones who still believe THAT.

    November 5, 2012 7:21 PM

    I don't think they ever believed that. I think it's drilled into their heads at the academy so that they have an automatic response when asked about certain aspects of their 'job'.

    And if anyone complains, they, just like firefighters and such, threaten to NOT do their 'job' and let people suffer or buildings be destroyed.

    But every dang one of them is a HERO. Just ask them.

  3. The object is to keep people in a state of perpetual apprehension.

    The state of Maryland is an expert on that. They even brag about it.

    Ever heard them say, 'we want people guessing if a fire hydrant is a cop'? I have.

  4. just a license to steal! then the cops wonder why no one respects them anymore!

  5. Man. I'm feeling an undercurrent of resentment here. Maybe the Gestapo should take a long look at themselves to see what they REALLY do for the citizenry and how they are perceived by the people they CLAIM to 'protect and serve', when in truth, they serve the government in it's never-ending and unquenchable thirst for our MONEY. And will KILL YOU for arguing about it. Or "detain" you for "evaluation". Police? HA! More like "enforcers", collecting money with a gun in their hand, JUST LIKE THE MOB. The only difference being the mobsters go to prison for selling drugs, beating people to death, murdering people who piss them off, raping women, and stealing from citizens.


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