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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So Much For That 2014 Withdraw Date From Afghanistan

The New York Times is reporting that senior officials within the Obama Administration are working on plans to keep thousands of American military troops in Afghanistan beyond 2014. 

One scenario leaves up to 10,000 US and several thousand NATO troops in Afghanistan after 2014 to "assist" with Afghan security forces and police. This is, by far, the longest war in our nation's history – and keeping more troops there beyond the withdraw date is dangerously misguided. It's time for the President to stand up for the peace he talks about – and also end the covert drone war that he doesn't talk about.


  1. Has this President ever heard of Vietnam? This is a no win situation no matter what scenario is played out. Bring our heroes home and let the Afghan people decide their own fate. As for the terrorists spawned in Afghanistan, deal with this directly on a one to one basis and stop trying to be the the "World Humanitarian". When their terrorists hit us again, we level one entire city, town or village because this is the only thing these people understand. Take a toll so high that they will stop their violence. We've done it before and it worked. Remember Hiroshimo and Nagasoki??

  2. They've done the same in Iraq. Left behind "contractors" so they can say they've withdrawn.

  3. I'm obviously not a deep enough thinker to understand why we don't just get out.I understand the need for drones outside of the US.They employ trial and error in the R&D.Drones are currently involved in lighter than air anti matter experimentation which would enable them to fly indefinately.Personally I don't care if the US uses the rest of our planet to perfect this technology.Just leave us out.We've been tested enough.


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