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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Delegate Weighing AG Run

Baltimore County Delegate Jon Cardin says he has launched an exploratory committee to consider a run for Maryland Attorney General in 2014.

Cardin, who is the nephew of U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, has served in the House of Delegates since 2003.

In a statement released by his campaign Cardin said, "The Attorney General is an independently elected officer whose job is to bring fairness, safety and protection to the people of Maryland. This is the same vision I have dedicated my legal career, legislative priorities, and lifetime activities to for more than a decade. Therefore, I am exploring a run for this office to bring fairness and protection to Maryland’s consumers, students, environment, and economy and to keep it as the best state to live, work and recreate. I guarantee that I will continue to bring a balanced, pragmatic, honest and aggressive approach to executing my duties, and I can think of no more meaningful aspiration than to make all Marylanders, from our working poor to our business leaders, feel safe and secure in Maryland."


1 comment:

  1. This the guy who got married and the ho ho MSP helicopter and boat he he he played a prank on the ha ha ha bride to be LOL LOL LOL

    the punch line is it was on the taxpayers dime

    yuck yuck yuck

    but the brain dead voters from three counties will elect him


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