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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Salisbury Police Department Way Underfunded

Photo not from this accident.

Last weekend there were calls coming into the SPD left and right about shots being fired. Officers were out and about searching the neighborhoods where the complaints were coming in. 

One Officer was cruising down the street when out of nowhere the entire wheel assembly on the front end fell completely off the car. 

Now just imaging if this Officer had been in a high speed chase. Fortunately in this case no one was hurt. But think deeper.

HOW could the entire front end fall off this vehicle without someone knowing it was a danger? The ball joints were, (so we're told) completely worn out. The vehicle had over 170,000 miles on it. For what it's worth, if the vehicle was properly maintained, ball joints and all other mechanical parts lubed on a regular basis, this would not have happened. Keep in mind as well, we're talking about a few dollars in grease.

Now I don't know if what I'm about to tell you is true or not but my sources tell me that the SPD isn't even maintaining their vehicles with the required oil changes because they don't have the proper funding. 

Will it take an Officer getting killed in a vehicle accident or even someone else that they hit because of poor maintenance? 

Mayor Ireton has all of his priorities in the wrong places. New Fire Boat, new $3,000,000.00 building at the Zoo that we'll have to also maintain, Fire Department getting pretty much anything and everything they want. Yet our first responders in the Police Department have to beg to get just about anything, this is very wrong. 

Are you with me on this Folks. Do you agree we finally need to equip the SPD with the proper tools to do their job? Perhaps I'm missing something here. I believe we need to rethink our priorities in Salisbury and this is yet another reason I'm running for Mayor. 


  1. Can't afford to take care of police cars...wrong, just wrong.

  2. This is just an ongoing problem, try being a PO and having your car shut off randomly. I recommend to everyone that they do a ride along with the SPD if they are still allowing it, you will get to see how bad these vehicles are maintained first hand. These cars are rode hard and put to bed wet as they say. I feel sorry for these PO's that are not paid enough and have to drive broken cars around town. Remember SPD does not allow take home cars (few exceptions to that rule), so after every shift the cars that are still running get used again and again and again.

    Ireton and the City Council should feel ashamed that the people patrolling our city streets have to deal with these type of issues.

    Whats next? Cheap bullets not going to fire when the PO needs it most? Bullet proof vest fails after being used for so long? K9 attacks handler because it is not fed enough? Radio fails due to no maintenance when most needed? The list goes on and on.. the VPN network that the PO's use to do lookups on the laptops in the car is a whole other can of worms, hope the radio works to get the vital info needed during a traffic stop.

  3. I also believe that the SPD is in extreme need for additional funding, but let's be completely honest on the facts. The Fire Boat was a purchased with a Federal Grant, no money from the Salisbury Residents was used.

  4. Robert, since we're being honest here, who will pay to maintain that Boat? Who will pay to man and train those on the Boat? We already know it will cost taxpayers $35,000.00 a year in insurance just for that Boat alone. Now THAT'S honesty.

  5. $35,000.00 Thats a whole lot of routine maintenance for the police fleet.

  6. good job on shutting robert strobel down joe! ur absolutly right..the expensive part is keeping it up! it will end up ragged just like the other one they never used! ur still an idiot tho joe!

  7. anonymous 10:48, for what it's worth, I found a way for the City to save HUGE money of insurance for the Fire Boat and I have City Council Members looking into it right now.

    The City is being HOSED by the Insurance Company. I'm sure you'll be hearing positive information on the savings very soon.

  8. anonymous 10:51, I've been called a lot worse in my 50 years. You should also know, the Fire Department has already wrecked one side of the Boat already. SHHHHH, no one is supposed to know that.

  9. We won't tell anyone Joe.Some time ago SPD was thinking about new vehicles,or at least that was the impression I got.


  10. Outstanding read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little investigation on that.

  11. We had decent police cars cars 4 years ago butt Ireton rectum

  12. Joe you are spot on!

  13. Albero For Mayor! ;)

  14. Running any business properly always starts at the top.

  15. I believe are sources are correct Joe. The Chief is not doing a very job by her force.

  16. I want to know what Jimmie Boy has to say about this! These officers put their lives on the line for us everyday and this is how we say Thank You.

  17. Why don't we give them guns and no bullets!

  18. This city must either not collect enough taxes or the money is mismanaged to have the problems it has.

  19. Does the city use a local insurance co?

  20. The zoo seems to be a money pit for the city doesnt it?

  21. I think the blame has to go to police leadership for either:

    1. Not properly allocating funding


    2. Not speaking up about this to the council.

  22. Maybe the PD is learning from the FD and PWD - the end result is better if you stop maintaining equipment, since you can easily replace a broken vehicle, but you can't seem to get enough money to replace an unreliable, older vehicle that they might get "one more year" from.

  23. Joe, you are going to be an awesome Mayor.

  24. Owning something is the sum of Purchase Price + Maintenance Cost. In the 1970s, some Intelligence Agencies were directed to include in their budget submissions for new equipment both of these costs. Each year thereafter, there would be a Operations & Maintenance item in the budget for all owned equipment. When it cost more or less to maintain something than replacing it, you did just that. The math is simple. If a Fire Boat cost $100,000 to purchase and $20,000 each year to maintain it, the cost of ownership for each year is ($100,000/5) + ($20,000) or $40,000 per year for 5 years. The "free" fireboat cost $20,000 each year to own. Of course, owning this boat has far more reaching costs than simply putting fuel in it. Each piece of capitol equipment has different costs of ownership. A Ford Crown has an A Frame design such that gravity causes them to come apart when they fail. A GM A Frame design (as in a pickup) is held together by its design. If you own a Ford, it's helpful to know that, when the steering system squeaks, replace it. The point is that a Fireman should not be overseeing the maintenance of a Fireboat anymore than they should oversee the wastewater treatment plant. Most of the people that comment about the boat aren't qualified to even do so and neither is the City Government who chose to accept it as "free".

  25. Give the Police Dept. the Fire Dept.s funding. Problem solved.

  26. There are first responders in several city departments. Who is going to keep processing human waste in a disaster? The police? Fire department? Speaking of fire, who is going to supply them with water during a disaster? But it's ok not to acknowledge public works as the first responders that they are legally bound to be?

  27. Since you mentioned the zoo building it is my understanding the city stopped construction and are negotiating with the sub contractors to pay them for the work that is completed so far. It was a waste of money from the start and now if work is stopped we wasted the money for the site and geothermal wells. You should look into this Joe.

  28. anonymous 5:26, thanks. However, so you know, I have known for several months that the Zoo pulled this on several Contractors. While they have paid for the materials, most of it won't be used and will sit around doing nothing forever.

    I don't know what the heck they are doing, or have done but one thing is for sure, they cost a lot of Contractors a lot of time and money.

  29. Is Obama going to call the officer to D.C. for another beer summit?

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The zoo seems to be a money pit for the city doesnt it?

    November 28, 2012 12:24 PM

    No you are thinking about the Hoppes Fire Department.

  31. Seems like some of the old Home Boys in the classy neighborhood the department surrounds took the lug nuts off the wheel!

  32. Anonymous said...
    There are first responders in several city departments. Who is going to keep processing human waste in a disaster? The police? Fire department? Speaking of fire, who is going to supply them with water during a disaster? But it's ok not to acknowledge public works as the first responders that they are legally bound to be?

    November 28, 2012 4:51 PM

    You really don't have to worry about supplying that much water for the "disaster" you are talking about. Fire Departments across the nation have nearly put fires out of business because of fire prevention, smoke detectors, smoke alarms and sprinkler systems. There really isn't a big need for fire departments these days. That is why you see fire engines chasing ambulances. It's call job security.

  33. The police department has been ignored totally, and the fire department has been over funded massively. I'd rather have cops preventing crimes including arson than a fire department to put the fires out.

  34. Robert Strobel said...
    I also believe that the SPD is in extreme need for additional funding, but let's be completely honest on the facts. The Fire Boat was a purchased with a Federal Grant, no money from the Salisbury Residents was used.

    November 28, 2012 10:41 AM

    Strobel you just proved you are a real idiot, but then again you supported Rick Hoppes for fire chief. Point proven.

  35. Robert Strobel just where do you think the federal government gets their money? SOMEONES money was used to buy something that was NOT needed.

  36. Go get em Joe!

    Where do I send my campaign donation check?

  37. Anonymous said...
    The police department has been ignored totally, and the fire department has been over funded massively. I'd rather have cops preventing crimes including arson than a fire department to put the fires out.

    November 28, 2012 9:27 PM

    Fires are extremely rare and fire departments have almost put themselves out of business. That is why fire departments are taking over the ambulance service.

    Let the volunteers handle the fire calls if there are any and invest more money in police officers and paramedics. It would be a better idea to separate the ambulance service from the fire department. Ambulance service is self sufficient through billing and the fire department is a burden.

  38. How about they spend the resources they have on violent crimes and not going around all day everyday searching college students for marijuana charges?

  39. Cross train the paid fire fighters in law enforcement.

    The ones who can count without using their fingers qualify.

    Then while they are outside washing the pretty red noise makers if they see something they can make an arrest.

    Likewise when they are out joy-riding in red 'look-at'me' props, if they see something they can make an arrest, or at least hold them for a 'real' cop.

    Bad part is they may have to arrest some of their ff buddies setting off some of these fires for something to do.

    Images of Keystone Kops just played thru my head....

  40. Maybe they could walk the beat until the tranportation problem is fixed. As a city taxpayer I would feel much safer.

  41. Why does everything have to be an attack on someone who says anything. I expressed an opinion about the cost of the Fireboat and I was "Shut down"? I understand the cost of upkeep, storing, etc..., and I have family and very best friends who are in various Police agencies, and yes they are extremely under budgeted, agreeing guys. But to offset the cost of Fireboat upkeep, Take it out of the money the city saves from our volunteers. How much money does that save the city?????

  42. November 28, 2012 12:24 PM

    No you are thinking about the Hoppes Fire Department.

    November 28, 2012 8:54 PM

    Now that is very funny.

  43. Robert Strobel said...
    Why does everything have to be an attack on someone who says anything. I expressed an opinion about the cost of the Fireboat and I was "Shut down"? I understand the cost of upkeep, storing, etc..., and I have family and very best friends who are in various Police agencies, and yes they are extremely under budgeted, agreeing guys. But to offset the cost of Fireboat upkeep, Take it out of the money the city saves from our volunteers. How much money does that save the city?????

    November 29, 2012 9:40 AM

    Strobel you again proved you are a real idiot, but then again you supported Rick Hoppes for fire chief. Point proven.

    There is no money being saved because of the volunteers. Why you might ask? Because the city just hire 12 more paid fireman with some more of that free money "that Federal Grant, no money from the Salisbury Residents was used."

    Where do you think Federal money comes from? If you had any brains you would know that "some" Salisbury residents do pay federal taxes. The ones that work of course.

    Now quit while you are ahead since it's pretty obvious you can't win this brain game.

    By the way Mr. Strobel are you a city resident and a city tax payer in Salisbury?

  44. Has anyone confirmed that Robert Strobel isn't a city resident or a city tax payer?

  45. Don't forget about the brand new$150,000 foam trailer the fire department just got. Was that some more of that free money Mr. Strobel? I bet that new foam trailer gets used just as much as the million dollar fire boat and the million dollar ladder truck.

  46. Recently delivered to the Salisbury Fire Department

    Dec 15, 2011 posted by: Mari Lou-WGMD News
    Salisbury Fire Dept. receives grant for foam truck & equipment

    The Salisbury Fire Department has been awarded over $135,000 in grant funding which will be used to purchase equipment. The funding – from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency – will be used to purchase 1650 gallons of firefighting foam concentrate, equipment and a delivery system – which includes a trailer and appliances. This will give the Salisbury Fire Department enhanced firefighting abilities for not only marine and fuel facility incidents – but also the ability to aid the regional airport’s aircraft firefighting needs.


    NEWS RELEASE: Salisbury Fire Department Awarded Funding to Purchase Equipment

    Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce the Salisbury Fire Department was recently notified by the Maryland Emergency Management Agency that they were awarded grant funding in the amount of $135,328.00. The award does not require a monetary match by the city so there is no budgetary concern for the city.

    The project includes the acquisition of 1650 gallons of AR-AFFF 1% x 3% firefighting foam concentrate, equipment and a delivery system which includes a trailer and appliances such as hand-carried portable and/or trailer-mounted monitors to support an incident with unstaffed master stream devices. The specific funding is designated under the 2011 Port Security Grant program for the equipment purchase of a foam carrying trailer and specialized appliances.

    “This specialized equipment provides the Salisbury Fire Department with enhanced fire protection capabilities for marine and bulk fuel facility emergencies which is vital in protecting our waterways and businesses operating along those tributaries. This competence also extends our effectiveness in support of the regional airport and their aircraft firefighting needs,” said Chief Jeff Simpson of the Salisbury Fire Department.


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