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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Keep Working


  1. Birth control, education and no free hand outs. UGGGG why is this so hard to comprehend. I am responsible for my actions why do I have to pay for people not working to live better than I do?
    Sorry total disappointment with a major freak out just came about

  2. She is disgusting!!!

  3. 7;32 She is disgusting and voted for Obama. So you and I taxpayer will foot the bill for this child, whom will most likely look like Obama's kid. Just plain "White Trash"

  4. This is sick, but so true. I now despise America and everyone that voted for Obama!!

  5. Trailer trash all the way!!!

  6. This is sick, but so true. I now despise America and everyone that voted for Obama!!

    November 28, 2012 8:52 PM

    It's pretty obvious to most people by now that the election was a sham.

    Votes being redirected to opposing party.

    People showing up to vote and being told they have already voted.

    100% of the vote in certain areas, AND, more that 100% in some areas.

    More votes than voters.

    Proof, at least to me, that what I have always said is true. Your vote does not matter.

    If they don't get ya with the electoral college, they will get ya with computer programs. (corrupt)

    Ever notice how the scandals in this admin get bigger as they go along?

    I think to out-shadow the last one and to misdirect people's attention to the current one while they forget about the last one.

    Seems to be working for him so far.

  7. Now thats a smoking hotty!

  8. white trailer trash, probably not even a high school graduate. her teeth are probably rotted out, ohh wait, we the taxpayer probably fixed them! how can she afford the cigs if she isn't working? parents once again failed their children, but they are probably entitlement slaves as well.

  9. When the Republicans held office they never reformed the situation either. Quit blaming Obama for a societal flaw. The human species is flawed. The family unit has been destroyed. Personal responsibility is rare.

  10. No one is blaming obama for a societal flaw. What they are blaming him for is EXACERBATING it. More people on food stamps than ever in the history of the nation. And he ENCOURAGES it! Keep extending unemployment bennies for YEARS. Put millions more on "disability". I'm with 6:48 --- I'm am sick to death of working so that people like her can lay around all day, have more kids, buy 5 dollar a pack cigarettes, and LAUGH at how they don't work and never have. PROUD of it. And instead of CRITICIZING that behavior, we now hail these low-lifes as "heroes" for "enduring" and "perservering" aginst a world that frowns on lazy, uneducated, pregnant with no- way-to-support-a-baby human trash like this. Shame might be the worst thing that we have lost as a country.

  11. Anonymous said...
    When the Republicans held office they never reformed the situation either. Quit blaming Obama for a societal flaw. The human species is flawed. The family unit has been destroyed. Personal responsibility is rare.

    November 29, 2012 9:23 AM

    You are an idiot who drinks to much Kool Aid for Obama. Why don't you move to Kenya and take Obama back with you.

  12. Wonder if she'll be joining the Obama's in Hawaii this Christmas?


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