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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

City Of Salisbury & DNR Want To Kill City Park Beavers

You have to ask yourself, which came first, the Beaver or humans? Once you realize humans have invaded their land, is it right for the City of Salisbury to step in, trap these beautiful animals and kill them simply because the Beavers have taken down a few small trees?

While you debate those questions in your mind, know the facts that surround this situation/problem.

It was former Zoo Director Jim Rapp and DNR who decided to line the river by the Park with "Alder" trees. If they had done ANY research first they would know that the Alder tree is like chocolate candy to ANY Beaver. You can't blame the Beaver for wanting his/her candy, but Salisbury can and will.

Then keep in mind these Beavers are simply doing what they do best. We have invaded on their territory and the only answer, (in the City Park Committee) is to trap these Beavers and kill them. Mind you, they'll only get the Father and perhaps the Mother but it is very unlikely they will trap the two babies. You should also know that the babies will stay with their Parents until they are past 2 years old.

Trapping and killing the Parents will certainly kill the babies as well. So what is it with the Zoo that they want to put out 200 pounds of duck chow every day in feeders on the River so they can attract other wildlife to visit the Zoo, then they want to KILL all of the Geese that tend to NOT fly south every Winter because they have an ample supply of food all year round.

Of course your NOT hearing about the Beaver problem anywhere else in the Main Stream Media, much like many of the stories we bring to you here on Salisbury News. Mind you, perhaps after this story breaks they'll have the stones to mention it but somehow I doubt it.

So now we'll leave it to the Court of Public Opinion. Know this, the City Park Committee have already agreed to trap and kill these Beavers. Unless enough pressure is placed on them immediately, these animals will be killed.

Some Facts About Beavers...

Wildlife rehabilitators find beavers to be gentle, reasoning beings who enjoy playing practical jokes. An Indian word for "beaver-like" also means "affable." Adults may weigh over 40 pounds, and beavers mate for life during their third year. Both parents care for the kits (usually one to four) that are born in the spring. The youngsters normally stay with their parents for two years.
Beavers are both fascinating animals to watch and an important keystone species. Yet old attitudes die hard and some people may consider the mere presence of a beaver to be a problem. They may not be aware that these peaceful animals make good neighbors, and removing beavers often creates more problems than coexistance. 
Most beaver removals are done by kill-trappers, which creates another slew of problems, because no trap is entirely selective. Dogs are routinely killed in the Conibears commonly set for beavers, children can be injured, and rare species, such as Bald Eagles, have been victims. This device is difficult to open, unless you know the technique, and there've been lawsuits from families who've had to watch their beloved pet being crushed to death. Although the Conibear was originally designed for a "fast kill", a study done with experienced trappers showed that most beavers are not caught in the right position for a fast death.

Other studies have shown that drowning traps are not humane for beavers, because they can hold their breath for ten minutes or more. Snares have eviscerated victims, and even those with catches can injure beavers, or drown ones that become entangled in the wires. Any trap that holds an exposed animal leaves them vulnerable to predators and must be checked frequently. Live traps are preferred as the victim is protected from predators.
Live trapping is labor intensive, and should be done by a trained individual to ensure that an entire family is caught and then relocated unharmed (beavers can die rather easily from hyperthermia if left for hours in a cage-like trap during the daytime) in suitable habitat. If beavers must be removed from a site, often a news story will lead to landowners, who desire beavers and have the right habitat, coming forward.

Currently projects in the Southwest and Northwest are relocating beavers from damage sites, where they would be killed, to areas where they are needed to regulate water flowages.


  1. Beavers are causing serious issues around here with water flow. Unlike areas where there are hills, the Delmarva Peninsula is flat. What do you say to someone whose home is in jeopardy because of beavers creating dams. This area was fine for the last 25 years without beavers, now they are slowly but surely making their way back in. Sorry, but they need to be controlled.

  2. Give me a break. Break up their dams and move on. By the way, will you be serving another term on the committee next year?

  3. PLEASE, stop cursing in your comments. They are very good comments but can't be published with the curse words.

  4. Ireton needs to be removed from office. This group answers to the mayor.

  5. Why don't you tell us where the beavers are causing these "serious" water flow issues
    I don't believe they are and if it does happen to be true the sensible thing to do would be like Joe said, break up the dams.

  6. Who is on this committee? Names please?

  7. "trap and kill" the beavers is the answer? It's the easy less laborious answer. Anything else would involve research and that means work. For the most part the people on these "committees" can't wait to get on them so they can show off and make themselves feel important. But when the time comes to do some actual work (like getting in touch w/the HSUS for help) they take the easy way out.

  8. I just learned they plan on trapping and drowning these Beavers. CONFIRMED.

    Is that how YOU would like to die? How about you at least find a humane way of putting these animals down instead?

  9. Here is the number fore PETA 757-622-7382 maybe they can stop the murder of the beavers

  10. Uhh... Beaver Dam Drive.

    Leave the darn beavers alone.

  11. Why can't they just trap and relocate the beavers to a beaver friendly location? Create a beaver exhibit in the zoo for goodness sakes. Killing them is just ridiculous.

  12. Something I forgot to mention in my article.

    GET THIS. You can go to the trees in the area and take a piece of bark off the tree. Then go to a paint store and match the paint. You then add sand to the paint and paint the first 3 feet of the tree. The Beavers will NOT eat the trees once you do that. It's that simple. Nah, let's kill them instead, right?

  13. I called PETA and left a message. If they can come here and protest the way Perdue kills chickens they can surely come here and try to save these beavers from inhumane death by intentional drowning. I hope this death penatly follows Jim Ireton all the way to Annapolis.

  14. WAIT!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! Liberals want to do away with the death penalty but support and encourage the inhumane killing of defenseless animals? Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.

  15. It is deer season right?

  16. I hope when you get in office you can change this stuff.

  17. There is enough water around here they can be relocated.

  18. They can be relocated to the mountains. It's just s few hours away. I'll drive!


  20. Has anyone other than those who intend to kill the beavers thought about the liability? The sand and paint sounds like a great idea,but in the mean time what if a tree falls on a zoo patron or their vehicle.Children climb trees as we all know.Whenever the wind picks up the likelihood of an affected tree falling increases.

  21. anonymous 3:35, With all due respect, REALLY? Is that all you've got? How many people go jogging in the wooded areas of the park. Trees can fall at any time. Look, we're not even talking about mature trees here. I don't mean to belittle your suggestion here but IF we were to paint the trees, (our advertisers pay for the paint) and this stops the Beavers from chewing on them, problem solved.

    We do NOT have to go out and kill these animals. The Mayor, (who is advised by this committee) should have taken the time to STOP this. However, (once again) they thought it would fly under the radar and no one would know about it.

    Children are not going to climb these small trees, so please relax. Contact the Mayors Office. Tell them this is out of line and will not be tolerated. STOP the Salisbury City Park Committee from killing these animals. there are other answers.

    If they kill these animals, then close the damn Zoo. Enough is Enough.

  22. all types of beavers cause all types of problems

  23. anonymous 3:49, there are far more HUM ANS causing us far more serious problems every day in America, should we trap them and drown them too until they're dead?

    Or do we relocate them to a place they fit in society?


  24. Call 410-548-3100. Tell mayor Ireton you'll not stand for this.

  25. The Zoo curator and others' number is 410-548-3188, x's 6,7, &8. The mayor's office told me they are totally unaware of such a thing.

  26. Joe, i just called PETA, left a message as to the beavers . I left my e mail as well as yours.
    Their e mail address is
    I hope the heck this hits other news. They should be relocated of course---is that to much to ask?

  27. I am certain he is unaware----He knows how much trouble this will stir up for him now that someone let the "cat out of the bag!"

  28. anonymous 4:18, VERY INTERESTING!

    This committee answers to the Mayor.

    Doesn't it amaze you how CONVENIENT it is to say, I didn't know about it?

    Remember back in the day when I first created Salisbury News. I had exposed THOUSANDS of animals that had died from very poor animal husbandry care at the Zoo. The Mayor said she knew nothing about it. Then I opened the file I had brought with me with THOUSANDS of animal necropsy reports from the Salisbury Zoo. It instantly PROVED how these animals were dying. She and John Pick sat there in awe.

    The next thing I knew I was guaranteed an investigation would take place immediately and two days later Barrie Tilghman was telling the Press that Joe Albero was crazy.

    It's time for a new Mayor. It's time someone get into that Office that actually cares about Salisbury and not Press Conferences and pointing fingers.

    When someone PROVES they don't care about animals, they PROVE they only care about themselves.

    Oh, remember, they said I was CRAZY about the Waste Water Treatment Plant too, remember? How's it working for you today????

  29. 418 here. No one at either extension at the zoo is picking up calls! I left messages that they ought to come here to review the news so they could comment to me tomorrow! I also left the same recommendation to the Mayor's secretary.

  30. For the love of God, save the beavers!!!

  31. I'm told the title of this article might be misleading. The Park Commission doesn't actually make the final decision. They have been advised by the City and DNR.

  32. 4:35 looks to me like another press conference is about to happen with the mayor. Keep em on his toes Joe.

  33. Thanks Joe. That's why I come to your site daily, you're the news source for many!

  34. I was just googling the Maryland state policy on trapping and relocation of beavers because I saw that Ohio prevents it. The City of Rockville has a site that talks about beavers and in Maryland apparently it is a state policy that beavers cannot be relocated. So it sounds like we need some capital fundraising for a beaver exhibit at the Zoo!!!

  35. anonymous 5:38, the Zoo already has a Beaver Exhibit.

  36. why not capture and relocate? why do people think killing animals is the solution. makes me sick.

  37. Leave the beavers alone and get rid of the commission; matter of fact get rid of the zoo period.

  38. Joe have you put up a WHAT DO YOU THINK Should we close the Zoo?? I for one see a big savings for the city there..waste of money, a joke

  39. How can a Zoo kill any animal?

  40. This joke of a town makes the show Jersey Shore look like a paradise resort. This is the most ignorant of all communities I have ever been in. You truly are the outhouse of the Eastern Shore. A zoo, I repeat, A zoo, entrusted to care for the animals it keeps wants to kill animals, because they dare to live as they should. This community is truly a joke and an embarrassment to society. And what I find so hysterically funny is that you all are too darn stupid to realize what a joke you and your pathetic leaders are. Gangs, guns drugs, poverty, minimum wage welfare community, and the best your leaders can do is to strategize a plan to inhumanely drown some poor peaceful beavers and leave their children to starve to death and die, because someone somewhere is whining about it. These are your community leaders? These heartless arseholes, are your community leaders. You poor pathetic souls. You deserve every minute of it because I can bet that 3/4 of you didn't bother to vote.

  41. Hey salisbury zoo Chew on This...

  42. Capture and relocate ? Too easy! To cheap! They didn't think of this simple solution. Let's trap the Zoo people who made the decision , relocate them far away.

  43. 9:00 PM

    No one has a gun to your head. You can leave anytime. All state roads leave town.


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