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Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A state lawmaker in Maryland has asked the FBI to impound two voting machines used in the 2012 election to determine whether there was a malfunction or something nefarious going on.

“I just feel it is my duty to try to get to the bottom of this,” state Delegate Kathryn Afzali told WND today.“We’re not making any accusations. The Board of Elections are good people. They have checks and balances … but we want to make sure everything is fair.”

She said a number of people contacted her after the Nov. 6 election to report that they pressed a touch-screen button for GOP candidate Mitt Romney, but the vote registered for Barack Obama. 



  1. No hanging Chads to see here move along...If this crimmal election happened to the DEMS they would be sceaming from the hilltops...Hell maybe thats why Gore contested his run.. since they (DEMS) knew it was in the bag and turned out thier cheating system had a flaw and it cost Gore...Cause I still dont see how this Godless evil community organ grinder, nobody, from nowhwere got elected.

  2. The Republicans are not saying a word....part of the Conspiracy we see!!! They all need to be fired by US and we can form two more partied instead!

  3. Americans are not going to do anything about anything.

    They are too fat, lazy and happy.

    They will walk to the slaughter house just as the Jews did over half a century ago.

  4. Happened to me here. I voted for Harris but the box beside Wendy Rosen was checked. It took several tries to reverse it for a vote for Harris. This was not an isolated incident. I know of 4 others personally that had the same thing happen to them. I predicted back in March that this President would NEVER lose. I wasn't predicting that he would win honestly....the "machine" would never allow him to loose this election. This is one of the reasons I don't like early voting. They announce the tally as we go along so all either party has to do is figure out how to "manufacture" enough votes to top that tally of the day. No tallys should be released until the last precint in the country has voted.

  5. Obama claimed "when I'm reelected" throughout his campaign. He was sure of it because he knew of the fraud that would allow him to win. There would be people already in court if the republicans had pulled such a stunt.

  6. With Eric Holder in charge of DOJ and the the FBI being part of that,can the FBI be trusted.


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