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Sunday, November 25, 2012

N.J. Battle On Minimum Wage

A battle over the minimum wage is brewing in New Jersey. Last week – Democrats in the state House moved legislation forward to boost the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.50. The state Senate is expected to approve the legislation as well, but Republican state lawmakers are having none of it. Using Hurricane Sandy as an excuse, Republicans say raising wages will put an extra burden on storm-affected businesses. That argument was shot down by Democratic state lawmakers Donald Norcross, who blasted Republicans, saying, "I think jumping on the back of this storm to keep those people down is disgraceful." The legislation is expected to make its way to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's desk to be signed, and we'll get to see if one of the Republican Party's 2016 front-runners really stands with working people or the greedy corporate elite.


  1. the corporate money people ALWAYS get theirs - no matter how high the minimum wage cause they just charge more......... WE the people pay the people more.

  2. Who cares 8.25 is rediculous.What are you gonna do with that 40 hours after taxes $243 a week. People can't survive in 2012 with that little money. Hell you probably will get assistance to eat.


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