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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Have We Crossed The Global Climate Change Tipping Point?

The UN is warning we may have crossed the tipping point when it comes to global climate change. 

A new report by the UN World Meteorological Organization on Tuesday finds that greenhouse gases in our atmosphere reached in a new high in 2011 – rising to 390.0 parts per million. CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide, which are all considered the most potent greenhouse gases, all reached record levels last year, putting into jeopardy plans to prevent considerable warming of our planet in the future. As the agency's Secretary-General said, "Even if we are able to stop them tomorrow, these greenhouse gases will continue to have an effect for centuries." This report comes on the heels of a World Bank report warning of a 7-degree rise in temperatures by the end of the century inflicting enormous harm on the entire planet. It's time to wake up people – before the planet becomes hostile to the human species.


  1. Now that the election is over it's once again politically correct to admit the reality of global warming.It's always been a Republican vs Democrat thing with the right in complete denial.The whole acceptability thing vs actual proof will be our undoing.

  2. The right in complete denial . Wow I thought the global warming people got in a lie wait it was all made up by the right !! This is more crap coming from global warmest theorist ! I think a study cane out that the only thing keeping us from another ice age was the so called gasses '. Who do we believe? You have your believe and I have mind! It's a bunch of hogwash!!!

  3. We are all going to die from , well something, but not a normal warming trend actually cooling for 15 years, that has been varying normally for a million years. Good God, folks, do your own Google search! See the last 3000 years' temperatures., KNOW that the previous ones were NOT taken from large inner cities and tarmac runways!!!!!! THINK! Where are these facts coming from? Be very careful, there's a lot of BS out there!

  4. It's not a republican vs democrat thing it's a science thing.

  5. Alex, Refer to the "look at the facts' that 6:32 speaks of. Facts of a thousand year records. Amazing what happens when facts are revealed! Show me your facts, Alex! And not just the myopic ones of the last 50 years, show me 500 years,

  6. blah,blah,blah,blah,blah...
    global warming/climate change is now and always be laughable. some people will fall for and believe anything they're told. they're easily decieved. since the beginning of time there have been cycles and it will continue to be so. "nothing is new under the sun".

    men who want to control populations will always create a crisis and fear in peoples hearts so they can get the control they need. you see; they have all the answers for the "sheep" who are led astray. they will also need more and more of your money. a fool and his money are soon parted.

    wake up folks; don't fall for this foolishness. educate yourselves; don't depend on the goverment, the U.N. and certainly not the likes of al gore.

  7. Its all a bunch of crap.... there is no real proof and anything from the UN is surely a lie

  8. The World Bank is now a weather forecasting center????

  9. This falls right in with their Agenda 21 agenda.


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