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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Video From Benghazi Consulate Shows Organized Attack

Footage from the night of Sept. 11 might be the clearest evidence yet of a military-style assault on the consulate in Benghazi. Eli Lake reports.

Video footage from the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, taken the night of the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks, shows an organized group of armed men attacking the compound, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who have seen the footage and are involved in the ongoing investigation. The footage, which was recovered from the site last week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, offers some of the most tangible evidence yet that a military-style assault took place, according to these officials.

The Obama administration has been studying the videos, taken from closed-circuit cameras throughout the Benghazi consulate’s four-building compound, for clues about who was responsible for the attack and how it played out. The two officials tell The Daily Beast that analysts are hoping to decipher the faces of the attackers and match them up with known jihadists.


  1. This is conclusive proof the Obama White House and military/security apparatus Knew of this as a terrorist attack with NO film protests. Immediately.
    Either that or we are in grave danger as there is a major disconnect between military intelligence and the President.
    It makes one wonder, do we have an active defense mechanism in place with this Obama regime?
    That drone was being piloted by a team that watched it unfold in real time and had to have to reported it with all emergency up the chain of command.
    Yet no response, no attempt to defend the attack was made even though our military assets were on site recording and witnessing in real time the carnage unfolding below...
    Ironically, more than likely the terrorists used weapons Obama provided to rebels only months ago.
    Even worse, by promoting the propaganda and lying about a virtually unknown movie trailer to America, Obama actually CAUSED more riots and projected American weakness to an Islamic world already poised for revenge for the Obama and democratic party bloviation of Bin Ladens killing.
    Compounding that, the person that made the B- low budget trash film is in jail on trumped up charges . The terrorist's are probably home with their families in Egypt, Yemen or Iran.

    This is Obama's world. Delusional, impotent and incompetent.

  2. love the monday morning armchair generals here.

  3. "monday morning armchair generals"

    Oh please! Only a moron would attempt to spin this anyway other than what it is really was. Another complete an absolute failure on the part of obama-PERIOD! In his ultimate lack of any wisdom he felt it unnecessary to supply those murdered with proper security. He wanted all to believe his "arab spring" was such a success and the terrorist were eradicated. Embassies and consululates in Eurpean countries have Marine detachments as security.
    You DO NOT play Russian Roulette with people's lives 9:15! That is so ignorant of you! In a volatile country as Libya security should be maximized. Obama is a POS who built the conditions that led to these horrific murders. Anyone who defends him on this is a sick SOB.

  4. An American was dragged through the streets, brutally SODOMIZED then horrifically MURDERED and you call anyone questioning the lack of security at the consulate "monday morning armchair generals 9:15?"
    What in the HELL is wrong with you???
    The Obama admin failed to protect those people. There is no question. The diplomatic corps in Liyba did not even have the security provided to them as those in stable countries. No one wanted to even work in Libya. Not only was it off limits as a place where family members could accompany an officer but also the pay was higher (danger/hardship compensation) because the govenment did consider the place dangerous.
    Obama and State Dept knew full well the danger as evidenced by the extra compensation offered to those in foreign service who agreed to work there.
    Your armchair comment is sickening!
    The only armchair involved is the empty one in the oval office!

  5. "Anonymous said...
    love the monday morning armchair generals here.

    October 17, 2012 9:15 AM"

    This has got to be the all time winner of the most disturbing/replusive comment ever made on here. The Obama admin did play Russian Roulette with those people's lives.
    To call anyone questioning this an armchair general is reprehensible.
    I am thrilled that Candy Crowley last night brought this to the forefront of people's minds.

  6. 9:15 You are just plain ignorant. You should be drug tested before you collect your food stamps. You are ju==one of those people that just can't handle the truth. Go sliver back under your rock.

  7. #1 it was a consulate, not an embasssy. If you don't know the difference than you are probably not equipped for this debate.

    #2 if you standard of success/failure for the pres. is whether or not our enemies were able to succeed with an attack, than I hope you are just as screaming mad at Bush II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, the list can go on.

  8. "#1 it was a consulate, not an embasssy. If you don't know the difference than you are probably not equipped for this debate."

    Of course the functions are different 11:31 but the security measures taken at both are the same. Even the ambassadors residences are provided security through the Marine Security Guards though not on the same scale as the embassy, diplomatic missions or the various consulates located thoughout the country. The security and safety of the personal is paramount but both the embassy itself and the consulates contain classified info which the Marines are tasked with guarding.
    In Benghazi this classified info was pilfered by the militants. The word is that Info officer Sean Smith was attempting to destroy classified info and that's how he was captured and subsequently murdered. He along with the 2 former Navy Seals ran to the consulate and put themselves in harms way to help the US. They are true heros who did not deserve to die. This should never have happened and was 100% preventable.
    The many US consulate outposts in Canada are better protected than the Libyans posts were.

  9. 11:31 this has nothing to do with Clinton, Reagan, Carter etc except maybe for the fact that Obama has taken a page out of Carter's book and is derelict and completely ignorant on the Middle East. Libya was volatile. There had been previous attempts on the lives of the personel, including an attempted car jacking of the car the employees were riding in to work. The driver was able to advert the attack.
    In June after a year which included over 230 serious incidences the Red Cross left Libya and Britan closed their consulate in the outpost. We were the only western consulate left by June. The White House ignored the warnings including those by the ambassador himself.


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