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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Navy Lacrosse Team Salute to WWII Vets Goes Viral

 This post is from the Navy Athletics Facebook Page. Currently the post has over 21,500 likes and has 4,800 shares.

The Navy men's lacrosse team flew back to BWI airport today after playing Notre Dame in a fall lacrosse game on Saturday. While at BWI, the team encountered 67 World War II veterans. After having the opportunity to shake their hand and thank them for their service, the team lined up and saluted them as their buses passed by. It put the entire trip in perspective.


  1. Thank you to all whom fight and whom HAD fought for this country and my rights and freedoms...

    Thank you for fighting for the freedoms of these POS politico people who, had it not been for you, they wouldn't have this opportunity to TAKE my liberties...

    Thank you for standing in harms way, as these politico people can't , won't and don't...


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