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Thursday, October 04, 2012

This Just In From President Obama...

FromBarack Obama 
ToJoe Albero alberobutzo@wmconnect.com

Joe --

I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country.

Now we need to go win this election -- the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don't do) to help in the little time we have left: 

Thank you,



Joe Albero


  1. The bottom line is----Obama and the democrats had 2 years in which they were in control and they passed their entire agenda. Has anyone seen any postives out of that agenda?
    Instead of focusing on the major issues they passed anything and everything they could to have more control over every aspect of America's heart and soul and anything they could to make government bigger.
    Our money was funneled to snake oil saleman and obama cronies.
    Obama's programs/policies have been failure with consequences having been foreseen by most people but ignored by this know it all. Programs such as Cash for Clunkers did nothing more than wipe out thousands of otherwise good cars than low income people relied on and are now without vehicles because demand is high and supply is low, making them not affordable to alot of people. We all know how his Arab Spring has turned out.


  2. Thank God he has your email address and not mine. The Secret Service would probably have knocked down my door by now.

  3. His campaign asked for money after the debate last night? I wonder if Romney's campaign did the same. Those people are shameless. What's the point of being corporate whores if you keep asking the little guy to help you out?


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