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Thursday, October 04, 2012

O'Malley After The Debate

MSNBC interviews O'Malley after the debate.  See what he has to say HERE


  1. O Malley is a complete loser Destroying Maryland one regulation at a time

  2. Just what we want to hear-another pathological liar attempting to make a case.
    No one including the democrats take him seriously. He is a legend in his own mind. He's another John Edwards. The democrats tolerate him for the time being but he will be persona non grata as soon as some other more 'ethnic' democrat comes along and when that happens the dems will show him the door and tell him to not let it hit him in the butt on the way out.
    But in the meantime it is amusing watching him brown nose.

  3. Does he really think we give a flying crap what O'Malley thinks. Its easy to see that Democrats in Maryland are out in la-la land. Just look at all the great things he did for Baltimore city. Let me give you an example. Ops, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

  4. He's a clown in the dumbocrat circus


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