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Monday, October 29, 2012

City Of Salisbury Declaration Of Civil Emergency

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  1. Usually the first step to martial law.

  2. Oh get real. Keeping people safe from flooding IS NOT an attempt to issue martial law. Grow up.

  3. Would you prefer that people be out in this? Why don't you get out there?

  4. guess if u didnt get you eggs, milk and toilet paper by now you have to wait until 10:01am lol

  5. there is not alot of talk about this on the local new channels..my job has me in at 830 in the morning as we open at 10am..in the blizzard of 2010 i got a ticket and court date for being on the road because my job didnt close when they were suppose to..i will not do it again..supposedly there is another meeting at 9pm. Joe is there a chance the curfew will be lifted? we need more coverage on it so the bosses see it

  6. Glad I don't live in city limits

  7. I'm usually at work @ 8am. Guess tomorrow I'm going to be late (if I go in at all).

  8. A friend of mine's brother just reported seeing Ireton running from car to car on 13 Hysterical! Yelling at cars "YOUR IN VIOLATION OF MY ORDER!" telling police to shoot their tires before they get away! Fine them!there disobeying my order! fine them!

  9. Merely a show of authority. Hey look at me...


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