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Monday, October 29, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 10-29-12

Ireton just pulled a curfew from 7 PM to 10 AM.  So you have 20 minutes to get home, or you are stuck where ever you are.


  1. good luck with that.... business in sby is not going to close because Ireton says so.... he can get stuffed

  2. Screw him. I'm driving home!

  3. why didnt he do that when all the bank robberies and killings were taking place

  4. Apparently, you don't recognize a safety measure when you see one.

  5. Was not in Salisbury, but I made sure I was home by 6pm cause I did not want to drive in this mess...but I was off today so I did not have to worry about that...some bosses do care...glad I have one. And no, do not work for the govt.

  6. I work at PRMC. I will be driving tomorrow a.m.

  7. I agree Queensgirl. For the past hour I have been watching a tree in my back yard leaning and getting to uproot and fall over any minute. The ground is saturated and trees are going to go over amoung other hazards going on.

  8. Thank you, Anonymous 8:20. No one with half a brain throws common sense out the window over political differences. Some of these people sound like spoiled little brats.

  9. No some of us have to work for a living. how about us in the medical field who dont have a choice

  10. 8:42 PM

    aww, shaddup

  11. He had an exemption for emergency personnel 8:07.


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