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Thursday, February 09, 2012

States Prepare Brakes On Citizen-Detention Option

State and local officials in surging numbers are telling Washington they simply won’t cooperate with any plans to detain Americans the federal government may choose to describe as “belligerents.”

The issue centers on provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, signed by President Obama, for the indefinite and rights-free detention of those Washington cites as belligerents, whether American citizens or not.

WND reported when Rep. Daniel P. Gordon Jr. immediately drafted a resolution in the Rhode Island legislature to express opposition to the sections of the NDAA “that suspend habeas corpus and civil liberties.”

Now the Tenth Amendment Center confirms that the resistance to the federal bureaucracy is catching on.

“Sources close to the Tenth Amendment Center say as many as 10 states will consider legislation or resolutions in response to the detention provisions in section 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA,” the organization is reporting. “Lawmakers in Rhode Island and Washington will likely introduce resolutions authored by the Rhode Island Liberty Coalition within the next week. Additionally, local governments, including Fremont County, Colo. and El Paso County, Colo., have passed resolution condemning the detention provisions.”

Tenth Amendment Center executive director Michael Boldin commented that “federal politicians never seem to repeal federal law.”

“It’s going to take ‘We the People’ in our states to stand up and say, ‘No!’ to this unconstitutional monster,” he said.

The center’s report noted that the provisions in the law “may allow” for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, depending on exactly how it is interpreted.

Already, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, R-Manassas, has introduced HB1160, which would prevent “any agency, political subdivision, employee, or member of the military of Virginia from assisting an agency or the armed forces of the United States in the investigation, prosecution, or detainment of a United States citizen in violation of the Constitution of Virginia.”

The center already has developed model legislation that addresses the issue.

More here


  1. It is about time someone tries to stand up for the constitution, This NDAA is an unconstitutional laws that would allow OBAMA TO LOCK AWAY ANYONETHAT DISAGREES WITH HIM WITHOUT CRIMINALCHARGES WITHOUT LAWYER REPRESENTATION AND NEVER HAVING TO RECIEVE A TRIAL. ait is totoally unconstitutional and needs to be repealed.

  2. How is it that these guys can just pass laws without informing the public at all, on top of that our current president can not even prove he is a US citizen. Like how is that constitutional at all? It is absolutely ridiculous what politicians and greed are doing to this once great country.

  3. seems Obama asked congress for more control and they gave it to him

  4. Adolf barrack hither Obama! The man the myth the legend. Surprised he didn't make it so the people would be put to death.speaking of death.how about our president. The death of our country. Wants to lock up citizens for standing up for our rights and he can't even prove he is a citizen.and for you pro Obama's....shut up and don't even respond to these blogs.if you can still back this ass of a president after reading these facts not opinions than you need to move to china where you'll fit in just fine.so sick of these politicians and pro Obama's who think this is OK.if you do you are only American by place of birth not heart.WE NEED TO GROW A SET OF BALLS LIKE OUR FOREFATHERS AND FIGHT! I DON'T CARE IF THE GOVERNMENT TRACES THIS TO ME.COME GET THIS SO CALLED TERRORIST. WE NEED TO CALL TO ARMS AND DEMAND HIS OUSTING.JUST SHORT OF KILLING HIS ASS! HE NEEDS A GOOD ASS WHOOPING! I WOULD PERSONALLY LIKE TO BE THE ONE TO DO IT! THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES NEEDS TO ATLEAST ACT LIKE AN AMERICAN! THE ONLY THING NEEDS TO BE DICTATED IN AMERICA IS FREEDOM!


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