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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Bill Clears Path For 30,000 Surveillance Drones Over US In Next Ten Years

Once signed by president Obama, the FAA Reauthorization Act allows for the FAA to permit the use of drones and develop regulations for testing and licensing by 2015.

The bill will exponentially speed up and streamline the process by which the FAA authorizes the use of drones by federal, state and local police and other government agencies. Currently, the FAA issues a certificate on a case by case basis.

The legislation represents the result of a huge push by the military industrial complex to open up US skies to what will become a multi-million dollar business.



  1. All you non-thinking sheep who click their heels and salute (nazi-style) every time the government and their friends in the ATF, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, State Police , NSA, and of course, the most powerful of all --- the military-indutrial companies, come up with NEW ideas on how to keep Americans under ever growing control and surveillance, keep cheering. That is, until its YOUR turn. See how much you're cheering then. More like begging for mercy. But either way, its going to be too late. 30,000 DRONES over the USA???!!! For WHAT?!

  2. Better to control us with Imclain. We must keep the slaves under control, right?

  3. Well, if the Iranian's can hijack the most sophisticated drone the U.S. has in it's arsenal, we really don't have much to worry about except these things crashing all over the country. Think about it.

  4. can you imagine how many will be hijacked kids these days lol

  5. 30,000 lmao! there wouldn't be room in the skies for that many along with civil aviation! besides who cares, I design these systems so I'm sure I'll get a pass since they need me, but if I was all you other fools I would surely be worried!

  6. Red light cameras.cameras that watch the streets in Baltimore. Cameras everywhere. Soon the government will say its OK yo activate your lap top cameras and watch you in your own home.we have to stand up and fight.thus is going to be a complete intrusion of our rights and privacy. And if we fight it we will be labeled terrorists.be ready to roll over and take it folks or end up imprisoned for years with no hoped of getting out until Hillary feels you have been conformed

  7. 3:01 got news for you when the police fly over with their flir on they can actually see you and your spouse lying in your beds from the heat signatures. They are even developing a system that can look through walls. You aint seen nothing yet. just wait! coming soon to a police department near you!

  8. if you think that drones are not flying right now you are sadly mistaken I have heard ultralight type engine noise and look up and nothing is around.

  9. @7:08 stealthy! Must be the cloaking device developed by 2:58. LMAO

  10. 7:08 you wouldn't be able to see anything they are so small and fly high enough you would never even know they are there. BAe over in easton makes one type for the troops to use. The navy lost one last year out of pax, it ended up over washington DC before they regained control of it. be afraid be very afraid!


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